Russian man gets ‘Nothing left to lose’ tattoo on his face

A Russian man who couldn’t get the phrase ‘nothing to lose’ out of his head decided the best way to clear his mind was to tattoo it across his face. 

Nikolay Markelov, 22, said he the words had been stuck in mind and that as he already had several face tattoos it felt applicable.

Mr Markelov had his ‘motto’ etched around his mouth in huge letters at a tattoo parlour in Krasnoyarsk in central Russia’s Krasnoyarsk Krai region.


What were you th-ink-ing: Nikolay Markelov, 22, showing off his new face tattoo, which reads ‘nothing left to lose’ in Russian

A video shows Mr Markelov barely moving an inch as a tattoo artist etches the large black Russian lettering on to his face.

The clip shows how the design dominates the space between his nose and his chin.

Ink lover Mr Markelov was in the tattoo parlour wondering what to do next when the idea came to him.

He said: ‘I thought, why should I get a small one? I have a bunch of small ones on my face, this is why I have nothing to lose.

‘This line got stuck in my head and I decided to have it on my face.’

No pain, no gain: Mr Markelov is seen in a video having his face tattooed

No pain, no gain: Mr Markelov is seen in a video having his face tattooed

Mr Markelov got his first tattoo when he was 18 and over the past four years has had dozens more across his body.

Explaining his love of tattoos, he said: ‘I got into it, people pay attention, people are curious what they mean.

‘I’ve been walking around with tattoos for a while, there are different reactions, there are two camps of people, some like it, some don’t.

Mr Markelov, posing with the tattoo artist, said the phrase had been stuck in mind and that as he already had several face tattoos it felt applicable

Mr Markelov, posing with the tattoo artist, said the phrase had been stuck in mind and that as he already had several face tattoos it felt applicable

‘Negative people might approach you in the street and start bombarding you with questions and reasons. They are the minority.’

Mr Markelov said he has no regrets over his tattoo because ‘we only live once’ and ‘at the end of the day everybody will be dead’.

He said his mother was initially against his tattoos but has now accepted his choice.

Mr Markelov added: ‘She gave birth to me, she should love me the way I am, doesn’t matter if I have tattoos or not.’