Russian rape victim dies two years after barbaric attack

Anna Barmina, 33, was attacked by sex beast Gizar Ziyangareev with a knife and fists before he dragged her into bushes and raped her with a broken tree branch, a court heard

A woman has lost a brave two-year fight for life after never recovering from appalling injuries she received at the hands of an evil mass rapist.

Now her relatives have expressed outrage at a court for reducing Gizar Ziyangareev’s record 23 year sentence in a case that has caused shock in Russia.

The beast attacked Anna Barmina, 33, with a knife and his fists before dragging her into bushes and ‘raping her with a broken tree branch’, a court heard.

Doctors in Ufa said ‘all her internal organs’ were damaged in the brutal assault, which caused her to have a heart attack and go into a coma.

The Oriflame cosmetics representative took almost a year to regain consciousness in the wake of the attack – and never spoke again after the acute trauma.

She lost around 30 kilograms of weight, and never left her hospital bed following the attack.

Doctors in Ufa said 'all Anna's internal organs' were damaged in the brutal assault, which caused her to have a heart attack and go into a coma

Doctors in Ufa said ‘all Anna’s internal organs’ were damaged in the brutal assault, which caused her to have a heart attack and go into a coma

Gizar Ziyangareev raped four women in a week after being released from jail for previous violent sexual attacks on a neighbour and an underage girl

Ziyangareev also stole Anna's laptop and mobile along with around £745 in cash, but astonishingly had a month cut off his sentence

Gizar Ziyangareev raped four women in a week after being released from jail for previous violent sexual attacks on a neighbour and an underage girl

She was one of four women Ziyangareev raped in a week after being released from jail for previous violent sexual attacks on a neighbour and an underage girl.

He stole her laptop and mobile along with around £745 in cash.

Anna’s mother Natalia called him an ‘inhuman monster’ and demanded the death penalty while local police said they had never come across such a brutal and cruel attack.

But astonishingly, the regional supreme court in Russia’s Bashkortostan region cut one month off his sentence.

Ziyangareev pleaded that he had three dependent children and an elderly mother who he wanted to support.

‘I just cannot understand how the court could give such a lenient term,’ Anna’s mother said, although it remains the longest sentence for rape ever handed out in Russia.

Anna (right), a cosmetics representative for Oriflame, took almost a year to regain consciousness and never spoke again or left her hospital bed after the acute trauma

Anna (right), a cosmetics representative for Oriflame, took almost a year to regain consciousness and never spoke again or left her hospital bed after the acute trauma

‘Anna will never get up, she will never speak. And he will get out of jail one day and continue to rape.’

Anna’s family said the reduction in his jail term, even by a month, sends out the wrong signal.

Her cousin Adel Galiev said: ‘The family is indignant at the arrogance of this person.

‘How does he dare, after all that he did, ask for some kind of mitigation of his punishment while covering himself with his children and mother? Especially since he is a repeat rapist.’

The unnamed police investigator who detained Ziyangareev said: ‘He told me he does not regret anything he did.’

It would never be possible to ‘cure’ him, he said.

Anna was buried at a family funeral in Ufa on Thursday. 

The victim's mother had called for the death penalty but Ziyangareev had his sentence slightly reduced, saying he had three dependent children and an elderly mother

The victim’s mother had called for the death penalty but Ziyangareev had his sentence slightly reduced, saying he had three dependent children and an elderly mother

An unnamed police investigator said Ziyangareev (right) had told him he did not regret anything he had done

An unnamed police investigator said Ziyangareev (right) had told him he did not regret anything he had done