Russian tycoon Evgeny Chichvarkin ‘dented Uber bonnet with punch’

A drunken Russian mobile phone tycoon once worth £1.2 billion punched an Uber driver’s bonnet during an evening out with friends in Soho, a court heard yesterday.

Evgeny Chichvarkin, 43, who sold retail chain Yevroset for approximately £280m in September 2008 denies punching the white BMW, which he had booked, and will stand trial on August 17.

He lives in exile at a £6.6m apartment in West Brompton and in August, 2012 he launched new venture, the award-winning Hedonism Wines in Davies Street, Mayfair.

Evgeny Chichvarkin, 43, who sold retail chain Yevroset for approximately £280m in September 2008 denies punching the white BMW, which he had booked, and will stand trial

Chichvarkin pleaded not guilty at Westminster Magistrates Court to causing criminal damage to the three-litre vehicle, belonging to Lefter Petronel-Sebastian in Rupert Street on December 9 last year.

Prosecutor Jonathan Bryan said: ‘The complainant is an Uber driver booked to take the defendant. The defendant didn’t arrive on time so the Uber driver drove off and stopped at the lights.

‘The defendant tried to stop him and when he was told the booking had been cancelled in anger and frustration he bangs his fist down on the bonnet causing the dent.

‘Two police officers did not see the incident, but one of them says he did hear a bang. The officers give evidence that he is drunk at the time.

‘The complainant can say there is a dent there that was not there before.’

There are no pictures of the alleged damage and Chichvarkin can be heard on the officers’ body-worn cameras asking: ‘Where is the damage? I haven’t damaged the vehicle. Where’s the damage?’

He was arrested that evening and held in police custody overnight and questioned by police the next day.

Chichvarkin’s lawyer told the court his client runs businesses and ‘invests heavily’ in the UK and a criminal conviction would be ‘very damaging.’

He was bailed to stand trial at City of London Magistrates Court.

Chichvarkin is the founder of Russia’s largest mobile phone retailer Yevroset and at one time was the richest man under 35 in his country.

He was the winner of Ernst & Young’s ‘Entrepreneur of the Year 2005 and also received Russian awards including the ‘Order of Glory of Russia’ and ‘Order of glory of the Fatherland.’

Chichvarkin has lived in exile in London for the past decade, campaigning against Russian corruption and Vladimir Putin as a member of the Right Cause political party.

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