Ruthless Hamas gunmen calmly raid family fridge after shooting brave pet dog… then torch the home in Israeli kibbutz where 108 bodies were found amid slaughter

Sickening footage has emerged of the moment murderous Hamas gunmen shot dead an Israeli family’s dog before storming their home, raiding their fridge and setting their home alight amid a campaign of civilian slaughter. 

The deplorable attack was just one of dozens which unfolded in the kibbutz of Be’eri, a tiny farming community where Israeli security forces and rescue workers later found 108 bodies – around 10 per cent of its population – after a long hostage standoff with gunmen.

The clip, obtained from the GoPro camera attached to the helmet of one Hamas fighter, showed how the dog came bounding out of the house towards the attackers and was immediately mowed down with several bullets. 

Hamas terrorists promptly invaded one house and began rifling through the family’s belongings, drinking orange juice from their fridge and gorging themselves on its contents.

Then one militant withdrew a lighter from his pocket and took it to the wall, sparking house plants and hanging ornaments that quickly set ablaze before they made their exit.

Another harrowing scene from the same kibbutz showed how a second group of Hamas militants gained access to the gated compound by slaughtering civilians at near point blank range as they sat in a car.

The deplorable attack was just one of dozens which unfolded in the kibbutz of Be’eri, a tiny farming community where Israeli security forces and rescue workers later found 108 bodies

One militant withdrew a lighter from his pocket and took it to the wall, sparking house plants and hanging ornaments that quickly set ablaze before they made their exit

One militant withdrew a lighter from his pocket and took it to the wall, sparking house plants and hanging ornaments that quickly set ablaze before they made their exit

The dog came bounding out of the house towards the attackers and was immediately mowed down with several bullets

The dog came bounding out of the house towards the attackers and was immediately mowed down with several bullets

Hamas militant is seen taking a civilian hostage after shooting many others in cold blood

Hamas militant is seen taking a civilian hostage after shooting many others in cold blood

More than 1,000 Hamas gunmen streamed across the border from Gaza into Israel on Saturday, and began indiscriminately shooting civilians while taking others hostage

More than 1,000 Hamas gunmen streamed across the border from Gaza into Israel on Saturday, and began indiscriminately shooting civilians while taking others hostage

CCTV camera footage, timestamped at 6:05am on Saturday morning, caught a group of Hamas gunmen in fatigues lying in wait at the entrance gate to the Be’eri community.

Unable to open the electronically-operated gate, they took up positions either side as a pair of civilians approached in their family saloon, completely unawares. 

As soon as the civilians stopped at the gate and activated the electronic barrier, the gunmen sprang out from cover, pointed their rifles at the car windows from mere feet away, and blasted the occupants with several rounds. 

The windows shattered immediately and the innocent civilian occupants were riddled with bullets. 

The closing moments of the upsetting footage show Hamas militants streaming through the open gate as the car, with its occupants lying still and covered in blood, gently rolls forward with no one at the wheel.  

More than 1,000 Hamas gunmen streamed across the border from Gaza into Israel on Saturday, and began indiscriminately shooting civilians while taking others hostage.

Around 900 Israelis have been killed in Hamas’ brutal attacks, which prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare war against the Palestinian militant group and begin a campaign of crushing air strikes on Gaza.

Netanyahu, who first came to power in Israel in 1996 and has served three separate terms, compared Hamas to the Islamic State group and said Israel planned to deploy ‘unprecedented force’ that would ‘reverberate for generations’.

‘We have only started striking Hamas,’ Netanyahu, 73, said in a nationally televised address late last night. 

‘What we will do to our enemies in the coming days will reverberate with them for generations.

‘Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children. They are savages. Hamas is ISIS,’ Netanyahu concluded.

Thousands of Hamas targets have been wiped out in brutal aerial bombing campaigns, Israeli defence officials claimed, but harrowing clips circulating social media showed how the rockets and bombs also obliterated Palestinian residential blocks, killing hundreds of civilians. 

Israel also ordered a ‘complete siege’ of Gaza, cutting off electricity, fuel and food for the 2.3 million Palestinians who for the most part were already living in abject poverty.

The four-day-old war has already claimed at least 1,600 lives, as Israel saw gun battles in the streets of its own towns for the first time in decades and neighbourhoods in Gaza were reduced to rubble. 

A fireball erupts from an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on October 9, 2023

A fireball erupts from an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on October 9, 2023

Palestinians watch a fire burn among the rubble of a damaged residential building, in the aftermath of Israeli strikes, in Gaza City, October 10, 2023

Palestinians watch a fire burn among the rubble of a damaged residential building, in the aftermath of Israeli strikes, in Gaza City, October 10, 2023

This aerial photo shows heavily damaged buildings following Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on October 10, 2023

This aerial photo shows heavily damaged buildings following Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on October 10, 2023

Hamas terrorists have taken up to 150 people as hostages

Hamas terrorists have taken up to 150 people as hostages

In a response to the savage aerial bombardment of Gaza, Hamas warned late last night it would begin executing Israeli civilian captives.

‘Every targeting of our people without warning will be met with the execution of one of the civilian hostages,’ Hamas’ armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said in a statement. 

Hamas militants abducted up to 150 people, including women and children, from Israeli territory and dragged them back in Gaza amid their ruthless slaughter. 

‘We have decided to put an end to this and as of now, we declare that any targeting of our people in their homes without prior warning will be regrettably faced with the execution of one the hostages of civilians we are holding,’ Abu Obaida, spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, later added in a recording released to Al Jazeera.

The IDF now is under immense pressure to get the hostages as quickly as possible.

Alexander Grinberg, of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, said that Israeli ‘strikes will first of all target Hamas command centres and troops, with fire coming from everywhere’. 

‘At the same time, the army will prepare to enter Gaza,’ he said.

Such urban fighting will force combatants into hand-to-hand combat, reduce visibility, increase the risk of traps, blur boundaries between civilians and soldiers and render armoured vehicles next to useless.

‘Everyone knows it will be long and difficult, with many losses,’ Grinberg said, although technology such as robots could work in the assaulting forces’ favour.

Former British army officer Andrew Galer, who works as an analyst at private intelligence firm Janes, said that the IDF’s fight in the Gaza Strip would be tough, as city fighting is ‘a 360-degree battlefield as the threats can be all around you.’ 

Going house-to-house to secure potentially booby-trapped buildings means bringing in bomb disposal experts with cumbersome gear like ladders, ropes and explosives – ‘possibly all while taking fire’ and in the dark, he added.

And there are ‘inherent risks’ of friendly fire given ‘the difficulties of situational awareness’, Galer said.
