Sacha Baron Cohen dupes politicians and gun lobbyists

He’s known for his colorful characters from Ali G to Borat, now Sacha Baron Cohen is back with new personas tackling America’s most divisive issues head-on.

In the premiere of his new show, Who is America?, Cohen manages to dupe everyone from politicians and gun lobbyists to everyday Trump supporters.

In a clip released just hours before the show’s official premiere on Sunday, Cohen is shown disguised as Israeli anti-terrorist expert Col. Erran Morad.

In a clip released just hours before the show’s official premiere, Cohen is shown disguised as Israeli anti-terrorist expert Col. Erran Morad (pictured)

In the premiere of his new show, Who is America?, Cohen manages to dupe everyone from politicians and gun lobbyists to everyday Trump supporters

Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and ex-Congressman Joe Walsh (pictured) endorsed a program that calls for schoolchildren to carry firearms.

In the premiere of his new show, Who is America?, Cohen manages to dupe everyone from politicians and gun lobbyists to everyday Trump supporters (L to R: Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and ex-Congressman Joe Walsh) 

In one part of the teaser, he sits down with current and former congressman and gets them to endorse a program that aims ‘to get deadly weapons in the hands of schoolchildren’ in an effort to prevent campus shootings.

‘I support the “kinder guardians” program,’ one time Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott says into the camera. ‘We in America would be wise to implement it, too.’

‘Its something we should think about in America… Whether they be teachers, or whether they actually be talented children or highly trained preschoolers,’ Lott adds. 

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), former congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL), and Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) are also seen endorsing the initiative.  

Cohen asks gun rights activist Philip Van Cleave (pictured left) to help him create a 'common sense training' instructional video for three-year-olds featuring 'gunimals'

Cohen asks gun rights activist Philip Van Cleave (pictured left) to help him create a ‘common sense training’ instructional video for three-year-olds featuring ‘gunimals’

Cohen also asks gun rights activist Philip Van Cleave to help him create a ‘common sense training’ instructional video for three-year-olds featuring ‘gunimals.’ 

He then holds a gun wrapped in a stuffed dog and says:  ‘Just remember to point Puppy Pistol’s mouth at the middle of the bad man.’  

 ‘Aim at the head, shoulders, not the toes, not the toes,’ Van Cleave adds in a gun-loving twist on the popular children’s song

'Just remember to point Puppy Pistol's mouth at the middle of the bad man,' Cleave says in the segment

‘Just remember to point Puppy Pistol’s mouth at the middle of the bad man,’ Cleave says in the segment

Executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt – who unwittingly helped Cohen get in touch with the politicians featured in the segment – is also asked if he can help get legislation passed allowing four-year-olds access to weapons.  

Cohen’s new Showtime series made headlines before its premier on Sunday when it was revealed earlier this week that disgraced US Senate candidate Roy Moore and former Vice President Dick Cheney were targets. 

But probably the most outraged by the comedian’s stunt – which inadvertently led to more interest in the show – was former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.   

She claims that Cohen disguised himself as a wounded veteran for the sit-down, and that to cap things off the production team knowingly dropped her and her daughter off at the wrong airport, knowing they would not be able to get a flight back to Alaska.

Cohen's new Showtime series made headlines before its premier on Sunday when it was revealed that he also tricked Dick Cheney and Roy Moore

Cohen asks gun rights activist Philip Van Cleave to help him create a 'common sense training' instructional video for three-year-olds featuring 'gunimals.'

Cohen’s new Showtime series made headlines before its premier on Sunday when it was revealed that he also tricked Dick Cheney and Roy Moore

 But probably the most outraged by the comedian's stunt - which inadvertently led to more interest in the show - was former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

 But probably the most outraged by the comedian’s stunt – which inadvertently led to more interest in the show – was former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

A source tells that this all happened in November, and Palin was with her teenage daughter Piper at the time, who is still in high school.

Palin is now demanding that Showtime and Cohen donate all proceeds to a veterans group.  

‘This “legit opportunity” to honor American Vets and contribute to a “legit Showtime historical documentary” was requested of me via a speakers bureau,’ said Palin. has been told by a source that it was the American Programs Bureau that presented this opportunity to Palin, the same group who manages the likes of Larry King, Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs, Sir Richard Branson and Mikhail Gorbachev, to name a few.

Palin is now demanding that Showtime and Cohen (pictured) donate all proceeds to a veterans group.

Executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt (pictured) unwittingly helped Cohen get interviews with politicians in Washington

Executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt (pictured) unwittingly helped Cohen (pictured left without disguise) get interviews with politicians in Washington 

‘For my interview, my daughter and I were asked to travel across the country where Cohen (I presume) had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all,’ explained Palin.

‘Out of respect for what I was led to believe would be a thoughtful discussion with someone who had served in uniform, I sat through a long “interview” full of Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm – but finally had enough and literally, physically removed my mic and walked out, much to Cohen’s chagrin.’

She also informed Cohen that Piper thinks he is a ‘piece of s***.’   

Cohen later denied the charge – in character – that he presented himself as a ‘wounded veteran.’ 

‘I never said I was a War Vet. I was in the service – not military, but United Parcel,’ reads a letter written by Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr., PhD. and posted to Cohen’s Twitter page. 

Palin was joined on the trip by her teenage daughter Piper (pair above on the day of Palin's interview with Cohen)

Palin was joined on the trip by her teenage daughter Piper (pair above on the day of Palin’s interview with Cohen)

Pictured: Letter written by Cohen - in character - denying that he presented himself as a veteran

Pictured: Letter written by Cohen – in character – denying that he presented himself as a veteran