Sadia Ahmed ‘murdered baby by placing a cushion over head’

A mother has gone on trial accused of murdering her 14-month-old daughter by placing a cushion over her face and shaking her.

Sadia Ahmed is alleged to have assaulted Inaya Ahmed at their home. The toddler died three days later in the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.

Ahmed, 26, is also accused of seizing the toddler’s tongue and force-feeding her bottles and syringes of milk.

She faces allegations that she struck Inaya on the head and body, shouted at her, threw her in a cot and uttered threats at the property in Drumchapel, Glasgow.

Sadia Ahmed is alleged to have assaulted Inaya Ahmed (pictured) at their home. The toddler died three days later in the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow

She is also charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by threatening to kill 18-year-old Suha Ahmed, presenting a knife at her and demanding she say that Inaya had choked.

Yesterday, at the High Court in Glasgow, Ahmed’s QC Ian Duguid entered not guilty pleas to all charges.

The court later heard from Ahmed’s brother-in-law, who said he had been awakened by screaming on April 17 last year.

Wacas Ahmed, 22, said he ran to find Inaya lying on the bed in his mother’s room. The accountancy graduate told prosecutor Paul Kearney: ‘She looked basically dead.’

The jury was told his mother Noor Ahmed and sister Shagufta Yasmin were standing beside the door of the room while Ahmed stood beside the kitchen.

Mr Kearney asked: ‘Was anyone tending to Inaya?’ and Mr Ahmed replied: ‘No. She was on her back and blue in the face. I phoned 999.’

Wacas Ahmed pictured at the High Court in Glasgow where he gave evidence in the trial of his sister Sadia Ahmed

Wacas Ahmed pictured at the High Court in Glasgow where he gave evidence in the trial of his sister Sadia Ahmed

Asked how his mother and sister seemed, he replied: ‘They were emotional and stressed to the max.’

He told jurors: ‘My mother said Sadia had killed Inaya.’

The jury heard the 999 call in which Mr Ahmed tells the operator: ‘We have a kid that’s not breathing. The mother’s been abusing her.’

The 999 operator told Mr Ahmed how to carry out CPR on Inaya.

As the tape was played Mr Ahmed wiped away tears. Ahmed wept in the dock.

Mr Ahmed told the jury he had lied to police by telling them Inaya had choked on a piece of bread.

He said: ‘I didn’t want to do it, but because of family pressure I went along with it.’

Mr Ahmed said there was no bread near Inaya and as far as he knew there was nothing trapped in her airway.

Mr Kearney asked: ‘Why are you telling us this today?’

Mr Ahmed replied: ‘I want to get Inaya justice.’

He said she had suffered problems feeding as a baby and as a toddler her food was always blended for her.

The court heard that Ahmed suffered from post-natal depression after Inaya’s birth and she had spent two to three weeks in hospital.

The trial before judge Lord Matthews continues.

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