Salim Mehajer is looking to hire a personal assistant

Salim Mehajer was looking for a ‘sophisticated personal assistant’ to be a ‘helping hand’ around the office, and promises the tasks he will set are all ‘above board’, or so it seemed.

The position was posted to the former deputy mayor of Auburn’s official Instagram account alongside a picture of a man wearing a suit with the words ‘work while they sleep, learn while they party, save while they spend, live like they dream’ on it.

A very detailed caption accompanied the inspirational image and outlined how the successful candidate will be chosen – but it was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

Salim Mehajer (pictured) is looking for a ‘sophisticated personal assistant’ to be a ‘helping hand’ around the office

But less than twelve hours later the post was deleted and put down to a ‘hacked moment.’ 

Before it disappeared, many commenters where quick to point out the spelling errors, rather than the intricacies of the job, in the thread below it. 

‘All applications are to email us (see bio) through their resume. (No tests to be carried out withoiut [sic] my approval,’ the post began.

‘Role is a sophisticated personal assistant’ (a quite broad and detailed position). Successful applicants will have to sit down an [sic] online Skype interview.’

But many commenters where quick to point out the spelling errors, rather than the intricacies of the job, in the thread below it

But many commenters where quick to point out the spelling errors, rather than the intricacies of the job, in the thread below it

Uh-oh! Mr Mehajer made more than one typo throughout the advertisement

Uh-oh! Mr Mehajer made more than one typo throughout the advertisement

He reiterated that the chosen applicant will be notified by Tuesday, November 21. 

But if you’re looking to snap up the PA deal, you’ll need to have no ‘criminal history, must be able to drive, no tattoos on boys and verify yourself using an Instagram account.’

‘Best wishes to all. I have decided to have no spam, fake or time wasting potential staff… (Termination will take pace [sic] immediately),’ the proposal continued. 

He also reassured the applicants that they will be ‘guided’ and will ‘leave with more than they expected’.

He also reassured the applicants that they will be 'guided' and will 'leave with more than they expected'

He also reassured the applicants that they will be ‘guided’ and will ‘leave with more than they expected’

In case there was any doubt about the work they'd be doing, Mr Mehajer maintains the 'tasks will be above board and very simple'

In case there was any doubt about the work they’d be doing, Mr Mehajer maintains the ‘tasks will be above board and very simple’

In case there was any doubt about the work they’d be doing, Mr Mehajer maintains the ‘tasks will be above board and very simple.’ 

Judging by the response from some of his 194,000 followers, it doesn’t appear as though people are taking the job seriously.

‘Given this post is replete with spelling and grammatical errors, I think I’ll pass,’ one commenter wrote.

His fans were unimpressed with the job title he was spruiking

His fans were unimpressed with the job title he was spruiking

‘This page is a gift that keeps on giving,’ another added. 

At approximately 7pm Mr Mehajer deleted the post from his account and replaced it with a black and white picture of the ocean.

The caption read: ‘Account back in my possession after a “hacked moment” – have a great weekend.’