Sam Wood’s program shares how to make breakfasts healthier

The adage of ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ is often used when speaking about healthy eating but it can be difficult ensuring your breakfast has the things you need.

Steph, the nutritionist behind Sam Wood’s 28 fitness program, has shared her top tips to make sure your breakfast is a nutritious and delicious way to start the day.

In a blog post she detailed the small changes that need to be implemented so you see results.

Steph, the nutritionist behind Sam Wood’s (pictured) 28 fitness program, has shared her top tips to make sure your breakfast is a nutritious and delicious way to start the day


Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues, which is why it is an important part of the human diet.

Protein is also used to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals and is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. 

‘As a key satiety macronutrient, protein keeps your blood sugar stable and cravings at bay,’ Steph explained.

‘Ensure you include eggs, salmon, nuts, nut milk, quinoa or beans with your first meal of the day.’

Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues, which is why it is an important part of the human diet

Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues, which is why it is an important part of the human diet


As we all know vegetables are an important part of everyone’s daily diet because they are natural source good and contain vitamins and minerals.

A diet rich in veggies is one of the best ways to stay on top of your health but the prospect of eating vegetables at breakfast may be intimidating.  

‘Vegetables should form the base of every meal, including breakfast,’ Steph said.

‘We love sneaking greens into smoothies and choosing an omelette, breakfast hash or breakfast salad wherever possible.’

'We love sneaking greens into smoothies and choosing an omelette, breakfast hash or breakfast salad wherever possible,' Steph said

‘We love sneaking greens into smoothies and choosing an omelette, breakfast hash or breakfast salad wherever possible,’ Steph said


Now that the myth of all fats being bad has finally been busted, it is time to include healthy fats in your brekky.

Healthy fats are actually our second satiety macronutrient, essential to keep us full, balance our hormones and encourage our body to burn, rather than store, body fat.

If you include foods such as avocado, nuts, coconut milk, salmon and olive oil in your breakfast Steph said you with breakfast you will transform your day. 

If you include foods such as avocado, nuts, coconut milk, salmon and olive oil in your breakfast Steph said you with breakfast you will transform your day

If you include foods such as avocado, nuts, coconut milk, salmon and olive oil in your breakfast Steph said you with breakfast you will transform your day


Although fruit is another department that make up a healthy diet, we shouldn’t be going overboard.

Although processed sugars should only be an occasional treat natural sugars are also something we should be looking out for. 

‘It’s important that even when it comes the fresh fruit that your breakfast includes no more than two serves [two times 150 grams],’ she wrote.

‘If you are choosing a fruit based breakfast, ensure your make savoury choices for the rest of the day, to also manage your overall sugar intake.’

'It’s important that even when it comes the fresh fruit that your breakfast includes no more than two serves [two times 150 grams],' she wrote

‘It’s important that even when it comes the fresh fruit that your breakfast includes no more than two serves [two times 150 grams],’ she wrote


As humans we tend to overindulge when there is delicious food in front of us.

Steph’s trick to train yourself to stop this habit is simply serving yourself a small plate of food and eating it mindfully, chewing each mouthful twenty times. 

‘It’s quite surprising how your body adjusts, and how soon you realise you’ve been eating out of habit or not allowing your body the time to register that it’s full.

‘Mindful eating does wonder for natural portion control,’ she added.