Same-sex marriage voting forms auctioned on eBAY $1500 

  • Same-sex marriage voting forms are auctioned online for thousands of dollars
  • The ABS are working with the websites to take down and monitor any adverts 
  • The sale of the voting papers could lead to a $2,100 fine or a year in jail

A Muslim man is amoung a number of people auctioning off their same-sex marriage voting forms for thousands of dollars.

The man posted his voting form to ebay for $1500, saying he has gay and straight friends and did not want to take sides.  

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have referred cases of people selling their postal votes to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) so the posts can be removed or blocked.

ABS deputy statistician Jonathan Palmer told ABC News they had not discussed how to handle people selling their survey forms (pictured)

The ABS is constantly monitoring the websites to take down or block any advertisements

The ABS is constantly monitoring the websites to take down or block any advertisements

A number of same-sex marriage voting forms (pictured) are being auctioned off online for thousands of dollars

A number of same-sex marriage voting forms (pictured) are being auctioned off online for thousands of dollars

ABS deputy statistician Jonathan Palmer told ABC News they had not discussed how to handle people selling their survey forms. 

‘This particular line of fraudulent activity is not one that we, in our mitigation strategies, identified a need to liaise with the AFP earlier, so we are doing that now,’ Mr Palmer said.

‘We are constantly monitoring those market places and informing them, asking them to take stuff down and they are responding extremely well.’ 

Another paper was listed on Gumtree Friday with an asking price of $600.

‘I am selling (or I can tick yes or no without selling) my SSM voting postal paper to the yes or no campaigners,’ the ad read.

‘I love my straight and gay friends equally. So I am sitting on the fence with this one. Hence, the paper is up for grabs.’  

If someone submits a survey form that has been bought or sold would be an offence against the Census and Statistics Act 1905 or the Commonwealth Criminal Code.

Sale of the voting papers could lead to a $2,100 fine or a year in jail.  

The adverts have appeared online at e-bay (left) and Gumtree (right), one for $1500 

Sale of the voting papers could lead to a $2,100 fine or a year in jail (stock image)

Sale of the voting papers could lead to a $2,100 fine or a year in jail (stock image)