Sarah Sanders prays every day about whether to stay at the White House

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders continued to push back on Thursday against a report that she plans to leave the Trump administration.

CBS News quoted sources claiming Sanders and her principal deputy Raj Shah were planning to step down. Sanders marveled in Thursday’s press briefing that the network’s reporter never reached out to ask her. 

‘I think CBS got a little ahead of their skis, particularly since they put out a story about my thinking without ever actually talking to me,’ she told reporters. ‘Seems that would be a little bit problematic.’

‘I show up here every day. I love my job. I’m glad to work for the president,’ she said. 

Sanders, a devout Southern Baptist whose father is both a former Arkansas Governor and an ordainer minister, didn’t predict how long she’ll stay in the West Wing but said she asks the Almighty for help answering that question.

‘Each and every day I’ll pray for clarity and discernment on what my future looks like,’ she said as she ended the briefing.  

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is pushing back against a report that she is planning to leave the Trump administration, but says she’s praying about her future daily

Sanders tried to quell rumors in a packed briefing room that she already has one foot out of the White House door: 'I show up here every day. I love my job. I'm glad to work for the president'

Sanders tried to quell rumors in a packed briefing room that she already has one foot out of the White House door: ‘I show up here every day. I love my job. I’m glad to work for the president’

'Does @CBSNews know something I don't about my plans and my future?' she tweeted Wednesday night

‘Does @CBSNews know something I don’t about my plans and my future?’ she tweeted Wednesday night

‘Right now I think the country’s looks pretty good, and I’m glad to get to be a part of that process, and I’m going to continue to do my job,’ she said.

The Trump spokeswoman had already upbraided CBS Wednesday night in a tweet for jumping the gun. 

‘Does @CBSNews know something I don’t about my plans and my future?’ Sanders tweeted.

‘I was at my daughter’s year-end Kindergarten event and they ran a story about my “plans to leave the WH” without even talking to me. I love my job and am honored to work for @POTUS.’

Sources had told CBS that Sanders, who has been in the role 322 days, was confiding in friends that she plans to leave the administration at the end of the year.

Shah was also reportedly considering leaving his role but hadn’t decided on a date.  

There has been an exodus from the Trump administration in recent months, with a mixture of firings and resignations.

Principal deputy press secretary Raj Sha (pictured) was also reportedly planning to step down 

Principal deputy press secretary Raj Sha (pictured) was also reportedly planning to step down 

The previous White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, (pictured) resigned in July last year after just 182 days after a series of missteps

The previous White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, (pictured) resigned in July last year after just 182 days after a series of missteps

Former communications director Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner’s top communications aide Josh Raffel, Trump personal aide John McEntee, congressional communications director Kaelan Dorr, assistant press secretary Natalie Strom deputy media affairs director Tyler Ross and others have moved on.

Some have gone out quietly; others, like communications aide Kelly Sadler, went in disgrace. Sadler resigned after making an insulting joke about Arizona Sen. John McCain, who is suffering from brain cancer.

The previous White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, resigned in July 2017 after just 182 days opn the job, following a series of missteps. Spicer suggested Adolf Hitler, who gassed millions of Jewish people in the Holocaust, ‘never stooped’ to using chemical weapons on ‘his own people.’

Many staffers have described the White House under Trump (pictured) as a toxic work environment

Many staffers have described the White House under Trump (pictured) as a toxic work environment

He also appeared to tweet his own password, mistakenly called Justin Trudeau ‘Joe’ and earned hilariously send-ups from Melissa McCarthy on Saturday Night Live – to the reported fury of Trump.

The president’s turnover rate stands at 51 percent, according to the Brookings Institution.

‘There will be even more people leaving the White House sooner rather than later, laid off or just leaving out of exhaustion. And it is going to be harder to find good people to replace them,’ the source close to the administration told CBS.

‘I do think they’re going to have a harder time getting the second wave of people in than the first, because those people were loyalists, and [new] folks will have to be recruited and encouraged and then survive the vetting process. In addition to all of that, the president prefers to have a small communications staff.’

Many staffers have described the White House as a toxic work environment. In a sign of unhappy staff, there have also been numerous leaks – and a hunt to find those responsible.

There has been an exodus from the Trump administration in recent months, with numerous staffers pushed out such as former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks 

There has been an exodus from the Trump administration in recent months, with numerous staffers pushed out such as former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks 

Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who has studied turnover dating back to Reagan, said the turnover was so fast ‘many people haven’t even stayed in these jobs to master the learning curve.’

‘This is a White House that doesn’t seem to value that or understand the consequences of it. It’s kind of one of those things where we may not know the vulnerability of lacking expertise unless there is a crisis – or a crisis that may have been averted had a person been in the room.’

Sources claim that the administration is struggling to fill the holes left by those in the West Wing’s departure lounge.

‘Nobody wants to come in,’ a source close to the administration said. ‘So they’ve gone through two rounds and now they’re at third tier of people who are just lucking out – battlefield promotion ends up promoting people who aren’t qualified for the position.’