SAS Australia’s Tim Robards reveals his horrific injury that wasn’t shown on TV – as he shares the Hollywood role he almost landed

Tim Robards has said he suffered a horrific injury while filming SAS Australia earlier this year, but it was never shown on television.

The 41-year-old told Daily Mail Australia he injured his leg while filming the reality TV show at the launch for season two of Reacher on Thursday.

‘I felt like in the series, they didn’t really show a lot of my journey. One big part on episode eight, I actually saw my doctor… I tore my abductor,’ he revealed.

‘It was a pretty serious injury and they never showed it. They didn’t make it part of my story line, which was disappointing as that was a big part of my journey.’

‘It gave jeopardy to whether I would get through and I think a lot of people at the end were thinking I looked like the fittest guy that was left, so I’d probably get through, but I was actually struggling so much underneath and none of it came easy to me.’

Tim Robards has said he suffered a horrific injury while filming SAS Australia earlier this year but it was never shown on television

Tim said that he ‘all of a sudden dropped back’ after the injury and began ‘struggling and limping around the course’.

‘It was so painful to push through. I had to go and see the doctor and he said I had  partially torn it and it could come all the way off, but it’s up to me whether I want to keep going,’ he continued.

‘I pushed through luckily and didn’t tear it… they knock back the severity of just how hard that show is. They cut out so many things.’

The 41-year-old told Daily Mail Australia at the launch for season two of Reacher on Thursday, he injured his leg while filming the show

The 41-year-old told Daily Mail Australia at the launch for season two of Reacher on Thursday, he injured his leg while filming the show

During the interview, Tim also revealed how he almost landed a role in Amazon Prime series Reacher.

‘I auditioned for Jack Reacher when they did the first season but missed out on that. I auditioned again for season two for his mate and actually got down to the last batch of people for that,’ he said.

‘I was so close to actually being in the series.’

During the interview, Tim also revealed how he almost landed a role in Amazon Prime series Reacher

During the interview, Tim also revealed how he almost landed a role in Amazon Prime series Reacher
