SAS soldier killed three Taliban fighters to death in Afghanistan

An SAS sergeant bludgeoned three Taliban fighters to death with hammer after his pistol failed during a dangerous cave raid in Afghanistan, it has been revealed.

The solider, 29, from the Midlands, volunteered to go looking for the terrorists after they escaped from a Taliban base in the north of the country.

It was destroyed by a joint British and Afghan special forces operation in January, which saw them flee to the underground cave complex.

The caves were barely big enough to fit a man inside, but in total darkness the SAS sergeant agreed to go in, reports The Daily Star. 

Describing the battle, a source told the newspaper: ‘It was a brutal fight to the death. 

An SAS sergeant bludgeoned three Taliban fighters to death with hammer after his pistol failed during a dangerous cave raid in Afghanistan. File image used 

‘The SAS sergeant emerged from the tunnel half an hour later covered in blood, both his own and those of the men he had killed.’ 

Using only smell and sound the hero found three Taliban fighters inside the narrow caves and shot them dead with his Glock sidearm.

But when he saw another he pointed it towards him and the gun failed.

Without enough room for a long-barreled weapon, he picked up a claw hammer and hit the Taliban soldier over the head with it.

He used the tool to smash two fighters over the head, taking them on in a larger cave that was lit by a sole candle.

The caves in northern Afghanistan were barely big enough to fit a man inside, but in total darkness the SAS sergeant agreed to go in. File image used 

The caves in northern Afghanistan were barely big enough to fit a man inside, but in total darkness the SAS sergeant agreed to go in. File image used 

After killing them both he was attacked by another who he eventually managed to kill with a single blow.

He was underground for 30 minutes, which he later said were the most traumatic of his career, despite a long stint in Iraq.

When he emerged he was covered in blood and unable to talk because he was so distressed.

The mission took place in January, but can only now be revealed, reports The Star. 

MailOnline approached the Ministry of Defence for comment but they were unable to comment on the special forces. 

Using only smell and sound the hero found three Taliban fighters (file image used) inside the narrow caves and shot them dead with his Glock sidearm

Using only smell and sound the hero found three Taliban fighters (file image used) inside the narrow caves and shot them dead with his Glock sidearm

The story comes days after Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson agreed dozens of brave Afghan interpreters  who worked alongside the SAS should be given asylum.

Around 50 who served on the frontline in Helmand alongside UK soldiers will now be granted visas to Britain under new qualifying measures. 

They will also be able to bring their wives and children, taking the figure to an estimated 200. 

The mission against the Taliban (pictured) took place in January, but can only now be revealed

The mission against the Taliban (pictured) took place in January, but can only now be revealed

Hope at last for translator who helped the SAS 

A former Afghan interpreter for the SAS who was hunted relentlessly by the Taliban is among those whose cases will now be reviewed.

Abdul, who worked on the frontline for nearly five years, was forced to ‘hide in the shadows’ after the property where he was staying was sprayed with bullets as part of a terrifying campaign of intimidation.

Speaking from his hiding place in Kabul last night, he said: ‘This is very good news and I pray that I will be included with my wife and children. We have been hiding from the Taliban for too long.’

Lives on the line: Abdul, right, with another Afghan interpreter in Helmand

Lives on the line: Abdul, right, with another Afghan interpreter in Helmand

The 35-year-old father-of-four is desperate to be reunited with his brother, who was also a translator and has been granted sanctuary in Britain. 

Abdul began working for UK forces in 2007 but stopped in June 2012 when his contract ended and he did not try to renew it because of death threats.

Because he stopped working before the December 2012 qualification date, he was not entitled to come to Britain under the UK’s relocation scheme.