Satellite images show the North Korean dictator’s bomb factories lying ruined after pledge to Trump

Proof Kim really IS dismantling his nuclear arsenal: Satellite images show the North Korean dictator’s bomb factories lying ruined after his pledge to Trump

  • In historic Singapore  summit on June 12, President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un discussed plans to denuclearize North Korea
  • No timescale for the plans was put forward or detail on how it would be done 
  • New pictures appear to show dismantling of facilities at Sohae satellite station
  • North Korean leader can also be seen visiting a nursery in Kangwon Province 

Satellite images appear to show that North Korea has started to dismantle its nuclear capabilities.

In an historic summit on June 12 President Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un in Singapore.

During the discussions, the North Korean leader repeated a pledge to denuclearize his country.

The accord did not specifically spell out any times scales for the process or how it would be carried out. 

But new satellite images appear to show the apparent dismantling of facilities at the Sohae satellite launching station, North Korea.

North Korea appears to have started dismantling key facilities at a rocket-engine test center, a group of experts said, potentially marking a significant step after last month’s summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump

Satellite images appear to show the apparent dismantling of facilities at the Sohae satellite  launching station, North Korea

Satellite images appear to show the apparent dismantling of facilities at the Sohae satellite launching station, North Korea

North Korea appears to have started dismantling key facilities at a rocket-engine test center, a group of experts said, potentially marking a significant step after last month's summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump

North Korea appears to have started dismantling key facilities at a rocket-engine test center, a group of experts said, potentially marking a significant step after last month’s summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump

The new images show the rail-mounted environmental shelter has been dismantled and moved.

It also shows the test stand superstructure has been completely dismantled and the base is being removed.

The dismantling of the old fuel/oxidizer has also started and is partially demolished.

A construction crane can be spotted in the middle of the site with dismantled parts scattered around it. 

It is placed in front of the rail-mounted processing structure which is partially dismantled. 

There does not appear to be any activity at the fuel and oxidizer bunkers in the images. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits a nursery in Kangwon Province.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits a nursery in Kangwon Province.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province

Kim Jong Un stares seriously at the bright orange silo bins as a worker explains something to him

Kim Jong Un stares seriously at the bright orange silo bins as a worker explains something to him

Kim Jong Un looks on at some machinery as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province, while a worker explains its usage

Kim Jong Un looks on at some machinery as he visits a nursery in Kangwon Province, while a worker explains its usage

Meanwhile the leader of North Korea appeared to enjoy himself on a trip to a nursery in Kangwon Province.

Wearing a sun hat, white four button shirt and grey trousers, he can been seen smiling as he walks through a greenhouse filled with lush greenery.

In another picture he looks deep in thought as somebody explains something to him about the large orange silo bins.

The progress is sure to please Donald Trump, as more than a month after the summit, no progress had appeared to have been made.

As well as giving up its nuclear weapons, Kim also agreed at the summit to return the remains of ‘thousands and thousands’ of Americans killed during the 1950-1953 Korean War.
