Saturday Night Live’s female writers defend Al Franken

Thirty-six of Saturday Night Live’s former female staff have signed a letter publicly defending Al Franken over allegations of sexual misconduct made by two separate women.  

The women said 66-year-old Franken never once touched or treated any of them inappropriately while working together in the 1970, 80s and 90s as they lauded him as a ‘dedicated family man’ and ‘honorable public servant.’ 

They labeled his treatment of Leeann Tweeden, who he was pictured grabbing as she was asleep and is also accused of forcibly kissing, as ‘foolish’ and ‘stupid’ but acknowledged that he had apologized for it.

The women, all of whom worked with him in the past, made no mention of claims made by Lindsay Menz, a 33-year-old Texan who claims Franken ‘grabbed’ her behind as they posed for a photograph together at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010.  

‘We feel compelled to stand up for Al Franken, whom we have all had the pleasure of working with over the years on SNL,’ the letter, which was published by NBC, the network which broadcasts the show, reads.

‘What Al did was stupid and foolish and we think it was appropriate for him to apologize to Ms Tweeden, and to the public. 

Only two of the 36 women who signed the letter still work on the show. None of its prolific current female staff put their names to the document. 


Thirty-six female SNL writers signed this letter to support Al Franken as he faces ongoing accusations of sexual misconduct 

It read: ‘In our experience, we know Al as a devoted and dedicated family man, a wonderful comedic performer and an honorable public servant.

‘That is why we are moved to quickly and directly affirm that after years of working with him, we would like to acknowledge that not one of us ever experienced any inappropriate behavior; and mention our sincere appreciation that he treated each of us with the utmost respect and regard,’ it continued. 

They signed off by sending ‘support and gratitude’ to Franken and his family ‘during this Thanksgiving and holiday season.’  

Franken is among the comedy show’s most revered alumni and was part of its original writing team.  

He made several appearances on the show as a comedian before launching his political career. 

Despite his background, he was not spared by its comedians on Saturday night. 

In its Weekend Update news segment, host Colin Jost lumped Franken in along with Trump, Alabama senate hopeful Roy Moore, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K, all of whom have been accused of sexual misconduct, assault or rape.  

Franken was one of the show's founding writers and he appeared in its segments regularly until pursuing a political career in the 2000s. He is pictured on SNL in 1999 

Franken was one of the show’s founding writers and he appeared in its segments regularly until pursuing a political career in the 2000s. He is pictured on SNL in 1999 

Neither Amy Poehler nor Leslie Jones, two of the show's most prolific current female writers, put their names to the letter

Neither Amy Poehler nor Leslie Jones, two of the show's most prolific current female writers, put their names to the letter

Neither Amy Poehler nor Leslie Jones, two of the show’s most prolific current female writers, put their names to the letter

Franken was not spared by the current season's writers who lumped him in with Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, Trump and Roy Moore - all of whom have been accused of varying levels of sexual misconduct - on Saturday's show 

Franken was not spared by the current season’s writers who lumped him in with Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, Trump and Roy Moore – all of whom have been accused of varying levels of sexual misconduct – on Saturday’s show 

Host Colin Jost made reference to the photograph of Franken groping Leeann Tweeden in 2006 and said he ought to have known better 

Host Colin Jost made reference to the photograph of Franken groping Leeann Tweeden in 2006 and said he ought to have known better 

Franken apologized twice last week after Tweeden, who now works as a radio host in California, spoke out about how he treated her as they worked together on the 2006 tour. 

She claimed he tormented her for the two-weeks they were together and that the treatment was largely sexually motivated. 

He has since apologized twice but continues to face criticism over his treatment of her. 

Among the most vocal of his critics is President Trump who tweeted his disgust over his actions. 

Franken has apologized profusely over this photograph which shows him grabbing Leeann Tweeden as she sleeps in 2006 during their USO tour 

Franken has apologized profusely over this photograph which shows him grabbing Leeann Tweeden as she sleeps in 2006 during their USO tour 

Lindsay Menz has also claimed Franken grabbed her behind as they took this photograph at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair 

Lindsay Menz has also claimed Franken grabbed her behind as they took this photograph at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair 

Franken has apologized repeatedly over the first allegations but has not commented on the second set of claims 

Franken has apologized repeatedly over the first allegations but has not commented on the second set of claims 

The second woman’s account emerged on Monday in a report by CNN. 

They said she contacted them within hours of learning of Tweeden’s claims and felt compelled to share her accusation. 

The SNL writers’ letter was met with mixed reviews. 

Some said it suggested the notoriously left-wing team pardoned Franken’s behavior but were less forgiving of conservative men who have been accused of similar misconduct. 

The SNL staff letter was met with a barrage of criticism who said it did nothing to detract from the fact Franken had been inappropriate with at least one other woman 

The SNL staff letter was met with a barrage of criticism who said it did nothing to detract from the fact Franken had been inappropriate with at least one other woman 

Others said it diminished Franken’s accusers’ claims and brandished the team ‘hypocrites’.

The show has neither commented on the letter or responded to the criticism it has received.  

The SNL women are not the only ones who have leaped to Franken’s defense as the scandal rumbles on. 

On Monday, Arianna Huffington spoke out after The New York Post attempted to suggest Franken had inappropriately groped her breasts during a photo-shoot in 2000. 

The photos resurfaced and were used on Tuesday’s front page of the Post under the headline ‘Huff Baddy’. 

Huffington soon poured cold water on the idea that they amounted to sexual misconduct. 

‘The notion that there was anything inappropriate in this photo shoot is truly absurd,’ she said.