Saudi Arabia blasts missile out the sky near Riyadh

  • Iran-backed Huthi’s claimed responsibility for the missile launch from Yemen 
  • Were said to be aiming the missile at Riyadh’s King Khaled international airport
  • The missile said to be of ‘limited size’ and no injuries or damage was reported
  • Yemen has been torn apart by war helping to prop up Hadi’s regime

Saudi Arabia has hit and destroyed a ‘ballistic missile’ northeast from its capital Riyadh after it was launched from Yemen.

State television said ‘Saudi air Defense intercepts ballistic missile northeast of Riyadh.’

The missile was destroyed near Riyadh’s King Khaled international airport and was said to be of ‘limited size’.

No injuries or damage were reported. 

The missile was destroyed near Riyadh’s King Khaled international airport and was said to be of ‘limited size’. Pictured, Mohammad Bin Salman

Iran-backed Yemeni Huthi rebels claimed responsibility for firing missile, which was targeting the airport, the Huthis’ Al-Masirah television said.

Yemen, Saudi Arabia’s southern neighbour, has been ripped apart by a war between the Saudi-backed government of president Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and Huthi rebels backed by Iran. 

A Saudi-led coalition became involved in 2015 to help prop up Hadi’s government after Shiite Huthis seized the capital Sanaa.

Rebels continue to hold much of Yemen and the United Nations has warned the country is on the brink of famine. 

The intergovernmental organisation has failed to agree a peace deal to end the fighting, which has left more than 8,600 people dead since the coalition entered the conflict. 

More than 2,100 people in Yemen have been killed since a chlorea outbreak in April as hospitals struggled to secure basical supplies amid a coalition air and sea blockade.