Savannah Phillips pushed Prince George down a hill at polo

Her naughty antics stole the show on Saturday as she shushed her cousin Prince George on the balcony at Buckingham Palace by placing a hand over his mouth during the Trooping The Colour flypast

And a day later Savannah Phillips, seven, was at it again as she gave her cousin a playful push as they sat on a grassy bank at the Beaufort Polo Club just a day later. 

Footage that’s recently emerged from the event, shows how the heir to the throne, four, went tumbling down the hill, losing hold of the paper he was holding as he slid. 

The incident seemed to prompt Savannah’s mother Autumn to give her daughter a telling off to shoving her younger cousin.  

Luckily the Prince emerged unscathed but at one point of the afternoon he was pictured looking tearful and being consoled by his mother Kate although it’s not clear if the two moments were connected.

It comes after Savannah Phillips covered Prince George’s mouth on the balcony during Trooping the Colour on Saturday 

Savannah Phillips, seven, was seen giving her cousin Prince George a playful shove as they sat on a grassy bank watching polo 

Savannah Phillips, seven, was seen giving her cousin Prince George a playful shove as they sat on a grassy bank watching polo 

A day earlier at Trooping The Colour Savannah Phillips, the Queen’s great-granddaughter, appeared unimpressed with Prince George’s endless chatter and slapped a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. 

But the Duke of Cambridge, standing behind them, looked unimpressed by the pair’s antics on the balcony and gave them a very disapproving look. 

Seven-year-old Savannah, the daughter of Peter Phillips and granddaughter of Princess Anne, also made a shushing motion at little George. 

It appeared the young prince couldn’t contain his excitement as he watched the planes zoom overhead.

The future King went sliding down the hill, losing hold of a piece of paper he was clutching, prompting Savannah's mother Autumn (right) to give her a gentle chiding

The future King went sliding down the hill, losing hold of a piece of paper he was clutching, prompting Savannah’s mother Autumn (right) to give her a gentle chiding

At one point Prince George appeared to receive consolation from his mother although it's not clear if this was connected to his slide down the hill 

At one point Prince George appeared to receive consolation from his mother although it’s not clear if this was connected to his slide down the hill 

Eagle-eyed royal watchers were quick to pick up on the similarities between Savannah trying to shush second cousin George, and Harry covering Beatrice’s mouth three decades ago. 

Peter Phillips, Savannah’s father, is the only son of Princess Anne and her first husband Mark Phillips.

Like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, he married his Canada-born wife Autumn at St George’s Chapel in Windsor in 2008.

Savannah and George appear to share a friendly bond and the two were seen chatting at the sporting event on Sunday 

Savannah and George appear to share a friendly bond and the two were seen chatting at the sporting event on Sunday 

The youngsters enjoyed a family day out at the polo a day after Trooping The Colour 

The youngsters enjoyed a family day out at the polo a day after Trooping The Colour 

On Sunday, the royal entourage attended the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy at Beaufort Polo Club in Gloucestershire to watch Prince William in action. 

Dressed casually in a £39.99 Zara dress and Russell & Bromley wedges, Kate looked every inch the doting mother as she kept a watchful eye on George and Charlotte, both wearing Trotters shoes, and cousins Isla and Savannah Phillips.

At one point, mischievous Charlotte made Kate and Autumn Phillips collapse into fits of giggles as she performed an impressive headstand, while a shy George watched on.

Mother and son: Prince George caused his mother to smile as he played with a toy while watching his father take part in a polo match in Tetbury this afternoon 

Mother and son: Prince George caused his mother to smile as he played with a toy while watching his father take part in a polo match in Tetbury this afternoon 

Look at me! Three-year-old Charlotte impressed Kate as she showed off her gymnastic skills with a handstand - leaving her mother in fits of giggles. The family were watching William compete in a charity polo match

Look at me! Three-year-old Charlotte impressed Kate as she showed off her gymnastic skills with a handstand – leaving her mother in fits of giggles. The family were watching William compete in a charity polo match