Scared lions flee tiny dog as it chases them in Tanzania 

  • Usually fierce creatures – the pair of wild cats scurry away from the enraged pup
  • The couple live in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in northern Tanzania
  • People shooting the film can be heard gasping at this astounding turn of events

This is the moment one brave little dog barks his disagreements to not one but two wild African lions – resulting in the male lion running away from the enraged pup.

At the start of the footage, the couple are seen taking a relaxing walk but as they strut their way through the tall grass they soon get accosted by the small dog and his loud mouth. 

The two big cats live in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in northern Tanzania, of eastern Africa – which is also home to the world’s largest inactive, intact, volcanic crater.  

It results in the male lion running away from the enraged pup

This is the moment one brave little dog barks his disagreements to not one but two wild African lions – resulting in the male lion running away from the enraged pup

At first, the pooch is a safe distance away as he shouts at the lion and his lioness.

But then, fed up of being ignored, the dog races towards the pair and faces the male head on. 

The pup jumps up and down seemingly trying to bite the wild cat’s mane. 

Those people shooting the footage can be heard gasping at this astounding turn of events as the dog attacks the lion.

The two big cats live in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in northern Tanzania, of eastern Africa

The hound is most likely owned by the Maasai people - a semi-nomadic group located primarily in Kenya and northern Tanzania

The two big cats live in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in northern Tanzania, of eastern Africa. The hound is most likely owned by the Maasai people – a semi-nomadic group located primarily in Kenya and northern Tanzania

Shockingly, the lion moves back trying to escape the dog as if he fears the aggressive little pup. 

Once the dog has proved his worth and scared the big beast, the video shows the tiny mutt turning his back on the usually fierce creatures and strolling off.  

The hound is most likely owned by the Maasai people – a semi-nomadic group located primarily in Kenya and northern Tanzania.

Livestock belonging to the Maasai tribe shockingly graze alongside wild animals all the time. 

At first, the pooch is a safe distance away as he shouts at the lion and his lioness

But then, fed up of being ignored, the dog races towards the pair and faces the male head on

At first, the pooch is a safe distance away as he shouts at the lion and his lioness. But then, fed up of being ignored, the dog races towards the pair and faces the male head on