School-run motorists block an entire street in Sydney as parents pick up their children from school

Parents have been caught blocking traffic on an entire street while picking up their children after school.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Riverwood, Sydney, was the site of a huge traffic jam on Monday afternoon as schoolchildren were picked up.

Photos taken outside the school show dozens of cars backed up the length of the Littleton Street, struggling to get through.

Parents have been caught blocking traffic on an entire street while picking up their children after school

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Riverwood, Sydney was the site of a huge traffic jam on Monday afternoon as schoolchildren were picked up

‘We have a car line duty in the afternoon,’ Principal Kim McCue said.

‘We have a very, very strict process involving car pick up.’

Mrs McCue refused to answer any further questions from Daily Mail Australia.

In a school newsletter from May, Mrs McCue reminded parents about ‘appropriate driver behaviour’.

‘Every now and then we need to have a reminder about the appropriate driver behaviour in the drop off and pick up zone in Littleton Street,’ she said.

‘The procedures for car line are there to keep all of our children and families safe. 

‘Please ask yourself “Is it worth breaking the rules for car line, putting my child and the children of other families in danger, to save a few minutes?”    

Photos taken outside the school show dozens of cars backed up the length of the street, struggling to get through

In a school newsletter from May, Principal Kim McCue reminded parents about ‘appropriate driver behaviour’

‘Your full cooperation in using the car line safely, respectfully and responsibly is greatly appreciated.’

In the newsletter, parents are told to refrain from getting out of the car to help their children out, or to cut into the car line.

Parents are also told not to park their car in the drop off zone.

‘The drop off zone is not the place for prolonged goodbyes and instructions to your child for the day ahead.

‘Please pull up, allow your child to get out of the car safely and then pull out of the car spot in a safe and calm manner.’ 

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School teaches children from kindergarten through to Year Six.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School teaches children from kindergarten through to Year Six

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School teaches children from kindergarten through to Year Six