Schoolboy, 10, grows mohawk to donate hair for cancer wigs

A schoolboy spent five years braving bullies to grow a huge mohawk – so he could shave it off and make wigs for children with cancer.

Aaron Gardner-Stanbridge, 10, from Sompting, West Sussex, was laughed at by other children while growing the one-foot spiky hair for the Little Princess Trust.

The brave child has also raised more than £260 for St Barnabas House Hospice.

Aaron is seen here after having the mohawk shaved off

Aaron Gardner-Stanbridge, 10, from Sompting, West Sussex, was laughed at by other children while growing the one-foot spiky hair for the Little Princess Trust. He is seen before and after having the mohawk shaved off on December 30

He said: ‘I feel really proud of myself that I actually stuck to it. I feel like a hero – not as much as Superman, but in a different way.’

Aaron was inspired to grow the wacky hairstyle aged five, when he spotted a punk walking through Brighton.

His mother, Julie, 39, was shocked when Aaron told her his plan, but the former hairdresser supported him before cutting off his locks on December 30.

She said: ‘I’m really proud of him to stick with it for such a long time and to go through all the unnecessary judgement.

‘When I said to him he could quit whenever he wanted, he said to me these children can’t quit.

‘It has been really lovely to see a young boy like him pursue his dream and do something good for other people who haven’t been dealt the best hand in life.’ 

The brave child has also raised more than £260 for St Barnabas House Hospice by growing the impressive hair cut (pictured)

Aaron was inspired to grow the wacky hairstyle aged five, when he spotted a punk walking through Brighton

The brave child has also raised more than £260 for St Barnabas House Hospice by growing the impressive hair cut (pictured in December)

Long strands of Aaron's hair after they were cut off following his charity fundraising campaign

Long strands of Aaron’s hair after they were cut off following his charity fundraising campaign

Aaron almost got blown over in the wind by his mohawk, which was held up by hairspray and ‘felt like a big sail’.

Although while his hair was down, he was mocked by other children, Julie says he had ‘overwhelming’ support from his teachers.

Aaron has yet to decide his next challenge – but it might include a ‘hedgehog’ spike haircut.

Sompting Village Primary School headteacher Richard Cave said: ‘Aaron is a great lad and he has done a great thing, and we are very proud of him.’

Aaron almost got blown over in the wind by his mohawk, which was held up by hairspray and 'felt like a big sail'. He is pictured raising money for the Little Princess Trust

Aaron has his mohawk cut off

Aaron almost got blown over in the wind by his mohawk, which was held up by hairspray and ‘felt like a big sail’. He is pictured raising money for the Little Princess Trust (left) and having his mohawk cut off (right)