Schoolgirl saved baby sister from choking on Milky Bar

An eight year-old schoolgirl saved her baby sister’s life as she choked on a piece of Milky Bar by using tricks she learned from watching TV’s 24 Hours in A&E.

Mum Jackie Nelson had just given one-year-old Peyton a small square of the chocolate before nipping upstairs in Ayrshire, Scotland.

She heard coughing but thought nothing of it – until she heard her eldest daughter Skye yelling in panic.

Jackie ran back downstairs and found Peyton blue and struggling to breathe with Skye crouched over her sister, hitting her repeatedly on the back.

Seconds later Peyton vomited and dislodged the chocolate and recovered.

Skye Nelson, left, sat with her baby sister Peyton in front of her and middle sister Ava to her left

Mum Jackie takes a selfie of Skye holding her sister Peyton with their sister Ava at their side

Mum Jackie takes a selfie of Skye holding her sister Peyton with their sister Ava at their side

Jackie said her daughter – who wants to be a doctor – shares her obsession with real-life medical TV shows and that probably saved Peyton.

Her favourite programmes include 24 Hours in A&E and Inside The Ambulance.

Mum-of-three Jackie said: ‘It wasn’t until I heard Skye shouting ‘Mam, mam!’ that I realised there was something seriously wrong.

‘She sounded scared. She wasn’t crying or screaming but you could hear the fear in her voice.

‘It sounded like it was just a cough at first. Peyton’s always coughed a lot as a child, you know how some are, so I didn’t think much of it.

‘But when I heard Skye scream I knew something was wrong.

Skye, eight, with her special award for saving her sister's life

Skye, eight, with her special award for saving her sister’s life

Jackie said her cabbie husband Roland, 61, was in the kitchen preparing dinner at the time of the emergency and was unable to hear the commotion.

Jackie, who has another daughter, Ava, five, said: ‘My heart was going to ten to the dozen

‘It was only later on that night when we sat down around the table and we’d calmed down a bit that I realised if Skye hadn’t of acted so quickly I could have lost my little girl.

‘Peyton was okay thankfully but we didn’t realise how bad it could have been until we checked with her GP. They told us she was very lucky.’

Skye was shortlisted for the Young First Aid Hero award as part of Scottish First Aid Week.

She received a certificate from the Scottish Ambulance Service for her bravery and quick thinking.

Jackie, from Pennyburn, Ayrshire, said she had previously taken a first aid course and made sure Skye knew what to do in an emergency.

She added: ‘I’m really confident in her abilities. She’s very mature for her age. She likes all the hospital programs and she’s very inquisitive.

‘She’s always asking me questions and I try to answer them as best I can.’