Scooter drives straight into giant sinkhole in China

  • Scooter drove straight into a huge sinkhole that opened up on Chinese street
  • They were distracted by their phone and did not see it until they fell
  • A man was seen rushing to warn the driver but it was too late
  • Driver was miracuously unhurt despite the significant fall into the sinkhole

Checking your phone while driving can have disastrous consequences, but none more obvious than driving into a sinkhole.

Footage from Chinese television shows the ground suddenly give way in the middle of a street, creating a hole almost the whole way across one side.

Some time later, a scooter zoomed into view and drove straight into it without slowing down at all. 

Footage from Chinese television shows the ground suddenly give way in the middle of a street, creating a hole almost the whole way across one side

Some time later, a scooter zoomed into view with the driver so distracted by their mobile phone they didn't see the sinkhole

Some time later, a scooter zoomed into view with the driver so distracted by their mobile phone they didn’t see the sinkhole

Both driver and bike disappeared into the hole just as another man frantically ran towards it in a doomed attempt to warn the driver.

The driver was reportedly distracted by his phone as he drove along and did not see the sinkhole until he was falling into it.

Fortunately the driver was miraculously unhurt despite what appeared to be a significant drop into the sinkhole.

He drove straight into it without slowing down at all, but was miraculously unhurt by the fall

He drove straight into it without slowing down at all, but was miraculously unhurt by the fall