Screaming Biden tears into Congress for going on two-week vacation before approving billions more in aid to Ukraine and asks ‘what are they thinking?’

  • ‘What are these guys doing?’ he said of the gridlock in Congress that has left aid for Ukraine , Israel and Taiwan in limbo
  • ‘Two weeks they’re walking away!’ he said, referring to the congressional recess that falls over President’s Day. ‘What are they thinking? My God! This is bizarre!’

President Biden brutally mocked the House for skipping town for two weeks without doing anything to advance a foreign aid package. 

‘Two weeks they’re walking away!’ he said, referring to the congressional recess that falls over President’s Day.  ‘What are they thinking? My God! This is bizarre!’

‘What are these guys doing?’ he said Friday of the gridlock in Congress that has left aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan in limbo. 

The Senate voted 70-29 to pass the $95 billion aid deal that Speaker Mike Johnson has said is ‘dead on arrival’ in the House. 

Congress has spent months at an impasse over further aid for U.S. allies – as the rightward flank of the House has even begun to threaten to motion to vacate Mike Johnson from the speakership if he puts further Ukraine aid on the House floor. 

President Biden brutally mocked the House for skipping town for two weeks without doing anything to advance a foreign aid package

And after last week a vote on a stand-alone Israel aid bill failed, Johnson declined to bring it up again this week.

He also yanked a vote on a bill to reauthorize Section 702 of FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, amid in-fighting over whether intelligence officials should have to get a warrant when American citizens are caught up in their surveillance of foreign threats.

When Congress returns from recess there will be just three days upon their return to avoid yet another potential government shutdown.

The House has already passed three continuing resolutions, bills that fund the government at 2023 levels set under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to punt the deadline and buy themselves more time to hash out a longer-term spending plan. 

Congress has spent months at an impasse over further aid for U.S. allies - as the rightward flank of the House has even begun to threaten to motion to vacate Mike Johnson from the speakership if he puts further Ukraine aid on the House floor

Congress has spent months at an impasse over further aid for U.S. allies – as the rightward flank of the House has even begun to threaten to motion to vacate Mike Johnson from the speakership if he puts further Ukraine aid on the House floor

Even conservatives who ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy over failing to get 12 separate spending bills to fund the government in fiscal year 2024 signed into law on time now admit that another stopgap funding deal will likely be needed. 

The House returns on February 28 and funding for four agencies of government expires March 1 and funding for the other eight expires March 8. 

Biden himself spent around 142 full or partial days on vacation in 2023, or nearly 40% of the year, according to a tracker at the Republican National Committee.

 It has tracked Biden spending 424 days from January 2021 to January 2024 away from the White House – more than President Donald Trump’s 381 over a full term and President Barack Obama’s 328 over two terms and about on par with President George W. Bush’s  1,020 vacation days over two terms.
