Search warrants reveal detail in murder of Virginia couple

Search warrants that were recently returned shed further light on the grisly murder of a Virginia couple that is believed to have been committed by their daughter’s neo-Nazi boyfriend.

Nicholas Giampa is accused of murdering Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and Scott Fricker, 48, in their home in Reston, Virginia, at 5am on December 22.

Investigators found bullet holes, cartridge cases, a knife and a hammer in the home along with blood stains in multiple locations, the Washington Post reports. 

Nicholas Giampa is the teenager accused of murdering his girlfriend’s parents on December 22 by shooting them in their home after they told their daughter to break up with him over neo-Nazi tweets they say he posted 

Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and Scott Fricker, 48, died in their home on December 22 after being shot at around 5am

Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and Scott Fricker, 48, died in their home on December 22 after being shot at around 5am

Ammunition was found in the accused’s home, according to another search warrant. 

Other search warrants appear to confirm the version of events that has been established in the sordid crime. 

One also states that Kuhn-Fricker had had contact with the family of the accused. 

Giampa, 17, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents after they convinced her to break up with him over his neo-Nazi views. 

It came days after Ms. Kuhn-Fricker reported a Twitter account she believed was his to the school he attended with her daughter. 

The account belongs to a Kevin Gallo who tweets under the handle @doctorpepper35. It was revealed on Thursday as Giampa remained in hospital.

He shot himself after allegedly murdering the girl’s parents and remains in hospital with a brain injury. 

Stock photos show cartridge cases (left) and a hammer (right), two items found in the home

Giampo is said to have tweeted under the name Kevin Gallo to repost and share pro-Nazi content online. It was posts such as this one which Ms. Kuhn-Fricker reported to the school he attended before she was shot dead

Giampo is said to have tweeted under the name Kevin Gallo to repost and share pro-Nazi content online. It was posts such as this one which Ms. Kuhn-Fricker reported to the school he attended before she was shot dead

Police have charged the teenager, who remains in hospital after shooting himself at the scene, with murder but have not released his name. 

However, The Huffington Post spoke with friends of the Fricker family who gave his name. They linked him to the Twitter account by an email address which was used for both Giampa’s Facebook page and the Kevin Gallo account. 

Among its memes and photographs he retweeted is one of Adolf Hitler in which he appeared dressed in a cape.

The accompanying caption read: ‘If not all heroes wear capes, explain this to me.’ 

Two months before allegedly shooting dead his girlfriend’s parents, Giampa mowed a giant swastika into the grass of a community field in Lorton, Virginia, where he lives. Residents told his parents about it instead of the police. 

On Twitter, @doctorpepper35 most often retweeted anti-semitic posts. 

He shared content which denied parts of the Holocaust and said the biggest tragedy of WWII was the death of Hitler’s dog. 

Huhn-Fricker was alerted to the posts on her daughter’s phone and was horrified. 

She pleaded with her daughter to break up with the boy and wrote an email to their school alerting them to the harmful content. 

In that email, she called the boy a ‘monster’ who was ‘spreading hate’.  

Other posts he shared questioned the Holocaust. All of the content was violently derogatory towards Jews

Other posts he shared questioned the Holocaust. All of the content was violently derogatory towards Jews

Under the Kevin Gallo Twitter account, Giampa also retweeted this image depicting a girl drawing a swastika. Two months before the Frickers' killing, he mowed a swastika into grass of a community field in Lorton, Virginia, according to residents

Under the Kevin Gallo Twitter account, Giampa also retweeted this image depicting a girl drawing a swastika. Two months before the Frickers’ killing, he mowed a swastika into grass of a community field in Lorton, Virginia, according to residents

According to friends and relatives, Ms Kuhn-Fricker had been trying to split her daughter and Giampa up for months. She eventually listened to her and dumped the boy a few days before her mother's death 

According to friends and relatives, Ms Kuhn-Fricker had been trying to split her daughter and Giampa up for months. She eventually listened to her and dumped the boy a few days before her mother’s death 

Her daughter, who is not naming, followed her advice and broke off their romance after an intervention from her mother and grandmother days before the shooting, according to friends. 

On the morning of their deaths, the Frickers had several other people in their home. The family had gathered there for Christmas. 

The couple woke up to sounds coming from their daughter’s room and went inside to find Giampa there. 

It is not clear where he got his weapon from or if he ever intended to harm the teenage girl.  

After arguing, he allegedly shot both of her parents and then himself. He survived and was taken to hospital where, according to a relative, he is suffering a brain injury.

One of the search warrants states: ‘The suspect was observed in a verbal confrontation with the homeowners,” one search warrant reads.’

It continues: ‘The confrontation turned violent and the suspect shot and killed the homeowners.’ 

The boy was described by friends and neighbors of the family as ‘troubled’. It is not known what other interaction he ha had with the police if any at all.

After the swastika incident in October, residents took it upon themselves to re-mow the grass themselves. 

Giampa’s family have not commented since the Frickers’ deaths.

Scott and Buckley Fricker with their daughter and 10-year-old son. He was in the front yard when police arrived at their home on December 22, according to charging documents 

Scott and Buckley Fricker with their daughter and 10-year-old son. He was in the front yard when police arrived at their home on December 22, according to charging documents 

The Fricker home in Reston, Virginia. They had several relatives staying with them for the holiday when they died 

The Fricker home in Reston, Virginia. They had several relatives staying with them for the holiday when they died