SECRETS OF AN A-LIST BODY: This week, how to get Elisabeth Moss’s legs
Elisabeth Moss showed off toned legs in a black mini dress at a recent awards ceremony in LA, California.
Ballet-based workouts feature in the U.S. actress’s routine, which helps to keep her trim and in peak physical fitness.
‘I trained in ballet for years — it’s the most rewarding exercise you can do, because it works you from head to toe,’ the 36-year-old has said.
Running and walking also help to maintain her enviable shape.
Looking good! Mad Men’s Elisabeth Moss showed off toned legs in a black mini dress at a recent awards ceremony in LA, California
So how can you replicate her look without hiring the most expensive personal trainer? Here, we reveal the best techniques.
– The curtsy lunge is a great leg toner, working muscles in the upper and lower legs. From standing, step back and slightly to the right with your left leg so that your thighs cross.
– Bend both knees as if curtsying —keep your upper body straight and ensure your front knee is in line with your front ankle.
– Do 15 repetitions on one side, before swapping sides and then repeating.