See it to baa-lieve it! First ever set of quads from rare Valais Blacknose lamb breed are born in the UK

The first ever quads of a rare species of ‘blacknose’ lambs have been born in the UK.

Adorable pictures show the four Valais Blacknose young that arrived at Whitehall Farm in Dumfriesshire, Scotland.

Boys Livramento and Larry, and girls Lotus and Lily, were birthed by mother Grace three weeks ago – and they have been winning hearts on the farm ever since.

Emily Duncan, who runs the farm with her husband, said: ‘As far as I’m aware they are first quads ever to be born in the UK, it is very unusual.

‘They have been getting lots of attention! There has only been one set born in Germany and one in Sweden before.

Pictured above are three-week-old quadruplet Valais Blacknose lambs, the first ever quads of the rare species to be born in UK

On this Dumfriesshire farm, these rare sheep were born - the first time they have born on UK soil

On this Dumfriesshire farm, these rare sheep were born – the first time they have born on UK soil

‘The Valais Blacknose sheep came into the UK in 2015 from Switzerland, from the Valaisarea area – hence their name.

‘We got them late in that year, so very early on’.

Emily explains how it is not only the colour of the species that make them stand out – but also their friendly temperament.

She said: ‘The species are quite rare so they look different – but they are also exceptionally friendly sheep, which is another reason why people love them so much.

One of the Scottish couple's adorable Swiss lambs, the first ever quads of the rare blacknose species to be born in the UK

One of the Scottish couple’s adorable Swiss lambs, the first ever quads of the rare blacknose species to be born in the UK

The blacknose lambs come from Switzerland's southwestern Valais region. It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for meat and for wool but it is so cute it has become a very fashionable pet

The blacknose lambs come from Switzerland’s southwestern Valais region. It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for meat and for wool but it is so cute it has become a very fashionable pet

‘So much so that when one was having lambs all the others were cooing and nibbling at my feet.

‘They all follow me about, it is a bit exhausting! When the species came to us in 2015, people from all over came to see them.

‘There was even a bus load from Hawaii!’

Whitehall Farm is also home to 500 other sheep, as well as the Aberdeen angus and Belted Galloway cows, horses, chickens and dogs.

This comes after the Mail revealed just how in demand the blacknose sheep are as pets.

The Valais blacknose breed, seldom seen outside their native Switzerland and often called the world’s cutest sheep, are worth up to £10,000 each – 40 times the value of an ordinary lamb.

These three are the latest additions to the flock on a farm in north Devon, where the lambing season is in full swing.

In Switzerland, which banned exports nine years ago, the sheep are reared for wool as well as meat.

In the UK, where there are thought to be only a few thousand, they are kept as pets, for breeding and for showing.

In 2020, we reported that they typically sell for up to £7,000 but the most attractive rams can fetch £10,000. 
