Self-driving cars set to transform lives of elderly

The lives of elderly and the disabled will be transformed by self-driving cars, the Transport Secretary will claim today.

The first autonomous cars are expected to be on Britain’s roads by 2021.

In a speech in London, Chris Grayling will promote the benefits of this new mode of transport to the economy and to society.

The government has estimated that driverless cars could be worth £28 billion to the economy by 2035.

The first autonomous cars are expected to be on Britain’s roads by 2021 and increase mobility for nearly a third of the population

It has also been claimed automated cars will make the roads safer, with 85 per cent of accidents last year caused by human error. It is hoped this will help push down premiums.

But – laying out ambitions for Britain to lead the ‘automated vehicle revolution – Mr Grayling will also argue that this technology could be of greatest use to the ageing population.

Nearly a third of the population will be over sixty by 2030 and people with mobility difficulties are far less likely to drive.

Speaking at the Association of British Insurers annual conference in London, Mr Grayling will say: ‘We’ve seen nothing in our lifetimes that can compare with the motoring revolution that’s just around the corner.

Tesla Motors, pictured, are one of the companies quickly developing full self-driving capability

Tesla Motors, pictured, are one of the companies quickly developing full self-driving capability

‘A revolution that will transform the way we travel, the way we buy, run and power our cars, and the way we insure them.’

Many members of the public – particularly among older generations – will be sceptical about the prospect of self-driving cars.

But Mr Grayling will add: ‘The potential benefits of these new technologies for human mobility – and for wider society – are tremendously exciting.

‘Many who can’t currently drive will be able to take to the road. Elderly people or people with disabilities which prevent them from travelling today will discover a new sense of freedom and independence.’

The government is trying to whip up support for the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill, which is currently making its way through parliament.

This is designed to establish the legal framework which will allow driverless cars on Britain’s roads.

If passed, it will mandate compulsory insurance.

One of the biggest sticking points for the new technology is the question of who is liable if there is an accident – the owner of the vehicle or the manufacturer of the technology.

Ministers have asked insurance companies to design a new breed of policy to ensure the owners of driverless cars are not blamed if faulty technology causes a crash.

The new legislation will allow insurers to create a single policy for automated vehicles which can cover both the motorist when they are driving, as well as the car when it is in automated mode.

They will pay out quickly to victims, including those injured in a crash with an automated car.

But insurers will also be able to recoup costs from manufacturers if the technology rather than the driver is proved to be at fault.

This should ensure victims of accidents involving automated cars are protected, while their owners do not face spiralling premiums if the car manufacturer is to blame.

Insurance companies will today (mon) call for more clarity on what constitutes an automated car.

The government has said it will create a list of automated vehicles as part of the bill.

The ABI will said that does not go far enough and said that cars which require any intervention from the driver cannot be classed as automated.

Many of the world’s biggest car makers and technology giants – including Ford, Nissan and Google – are rushing to develop the first fully automated vehicles.

Trials of fully automated cars have been held in Milton Keynes and near the Millennium Dome in London.

But many vehicles already have some form of automation such as cruise control and assisted parking.

The ABI said that unless cars are fully automated its members will not be prepared to provide this new type of insurance policy, meaning the motorist rather than the manufacturer will be liable for any accident.

Ben Howarth, senior policy adviser for motor and liability at the ABI said manufacturers must be ‘absolutely clear about how they describe what their vehicles can do’.

He added: ‘Truly automated vehicles have the potential to drastically reduce road accidents, cut delays and make it easier for people who cannot drive to get around. 

‘However, there will inevitably be a transition period from today’s cars to the vehicles of the future, via vehicles which offer gradually increasing levels of autonomy. 

‘There is the potential for confusion during this interim stage when people could wrongly think their vehicles can be left alone to manage a journey independently.’

The Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill will also force petrol stations around the country to introduce more charging points for electric vehicles.

The government has pledged to ban sales of new diesel and petrol cars and vans by 2040 and that it wants almost every car and van on the roads to be a zero emission vehicle by 2050.