Senate candidate says feminists have snake filled heads

Courtland Sykes is running for Senate in Missouri and released a full statement on his views of women’s rights

A GOP Senate candidate has come under fire for sexist views on women’s rights.

Courtland Sykes took to Facebook on Tuesday to reiterate a statement he previously made in September 2017.

He starts off by saying that his fiancee Chanel had given him ‘orders’ to favor women’s rights, so he’d ‘better’.

‘But Chanel knows that my obedience comes with a small price that she loves to pay anyway: I want to come home to a home-cooked dinner at six every night, one that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives — think Norman Rockwell here and Gloria Steinem be damned,’ he said in the post.

His comments ignited a social media firestorm with many slamming the Republican for his sexist and antiquated views.

‘This is an actual statement. From a Republican Senate candidate. In 2017. Not a gaffe. A deliberate, typed out, posted statement. Wow, Courtland Sykes. Just wow,’ CNN commentator Sally Kohn said on Twitter.

He starts off by saying that his fiancee Chanel (pictured) had given him 'orders' to favor women's rights, so he'd 'better'.

He starts off by saying that his fiancee Chanel (pictured) had given him ‘orders’ to favor women’s rights, so he’d ‘better’.

Sykes, who campaigned for accused child molester Roy Moore in Alabama, said in his statement that he does not ‘buy into radical feminism’s crazed definition of modern womanhood’ and that ‘They made it up to suit their own nasty, snake-filled heads.’

He then launched into a criticism of Hillary Clinton.

‘Modern women can BE anything they want, including traditional women — as millions are fast becoming. Millennial women voters despised Hillary and cost her the election (and they weren’t Russians!). I wonder why they despise her? One reason is they look at her personal life’s wreckage and didn’t want to become like her,’ he said.

Sykes, who campaigned for accused child molester Roy Moore in Alabama, said in his statement that he does not 'buy into radical feminism's crazed definition of modern womanhood' and that 'They made it up to suit their own nasty, snake-filled heads'

Sykes, who campaigned for accused child molester Roy Moore in Alabama, said in his statement that he does not ‘buy into radical feminism’s crazed definition of modern womanhood’ and that ‘They made it up to suit their own nasty, snake-filled heads’

He said he wants his fiancée to cook him dinner every night and that feminists are 'she devils'

He said he wants his fiancée to cook him dinner every night and that feminists are ‘she devils’

He ended his statement by saying: ‘I support women’s rights, but not the kind that has oppressed natural womanhood for five long decades – the kind of wrongheaded “women’s rights” that allows mean-spirited radical feminists to use political correctness and their little broom label of “sexist” to define womanhood and women’s rights for me, for my family, for you and your family or for my country and the world.’

The comments were part of an 11-page statement sent to the St. Louis Dispatch last September. 

With voters aged 14 to 44, Clinton outperformed Trump 53 percent to 39 percent, according to exit polls. 

Sykes is an avid Trump supporter, but the controversial politician has not endorsed him, instead choosing to back Missouri’s GOP Attorney General Josh Hawley.

Sykes hopes to unseat Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill. 


Well – Chanel, my fiancee, has given me orders to favor them, so I’d better. But Chanel knows that my obedience comes with a small price that she loves to pay anyway: I want to come home to a home-cooked dinner at six every night, one that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives — think Norman Rockwell here and Gloria Steinem be damned.

I don’t buy into radical feminism’s crazed definition of modern womanhood and I never did. They don’t own that definition — and never did. They made it up to suit their own nasty, snake-filled heads. Modern women can BE anything they want, including traditional women — as millions are and millions are fast becoming. Millennial women voters despised Hillary and cost her the election (and they weren’t Russians). I wonder why they despise her? One reason is they look at her life’s personal wreckage and didn’t want to become like her.

And I don’t buy the non-stop feminization campaign against manhood. Men and women are different and gender-bending word games by a goofy nest of drugstore academics aren’t going to change anything – except the fantasy life of those confused people in ivory towers.

I want daughters to have their own intelligence, their own dignity, their own workspace and their own degrees; I want them to build home-based enterprises and live in homes shared with good husbands and I don’t want them to grew up into career-obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting, manophonic, hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the tops of a thousand tall buildings they are think they could have leaped over in a single bound — had men not ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts. It always was.

I support women’s rights, but not the kind that has oppressed natural womanhood for five long decades – the kind of wrongheaded ‘women’s rights’ that allows mean-spirited radical feminists to use political correctness and their little broom label of ‘sexist to define womanhood and women’s rights for me, for my family, for you and your family or for my country and the world. But good news: They’re finished. Ask Hillary.

Someone should have stood up and faced them off, years ago.