Senator forced to pay back thousands of taxpayers’ money to celebrate her 50th birthday party

Federal Liberal senator Lucy Gichuhi has been forced to pay back thousands of dollars after taxpayers footed the bill for two family members to be flown in to celebrate her birthday.

The South Australian senator, 56, held a ’50th birthday plus GST’ in Adelaide last October, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

According to the publication, records show she billed taxpayers $2139 for two return airfares from Darwin to Adelaide as part of her ‘family traveller’ allowance.

The ‘family traveller’ allowance is a fund that can be used to pay for family members to visit politicians on ‘­parliamentary, electorate or official business’.

Senator Lucy Gichuhi (pictured right) billed taxpayers to fly two family members to Adelaide for her ’50th birthday plus GST’

One of the 181 photos from the birthday celebrations on the senator's Facebook page. 'A wonderful night of celebration with family and close friends,' she posted

One of the 181 photos from the birthday celebrations on the senator’s Facebook page. ‘A wonderful night of celebration with family and close friends,’ she posted

However, the rules state that the entitlement is provided to allow senators and members the chance to balance their work and family responsibilities.

Ms Gichuhi has since agreed to repay the full amount and will pay an ­additional 25 per cent penalty, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

More than 180 photos from the birthday celebrations held at Rydges Hotel were uploaded to her Facebook page at the time.

‘A wonderful night of celebration with family and close friends,’ she posted.

Lucy Gichuhi has since agreed to repay the full amount and will pay an ­additional 25 per cent penalty

Lucy Gichuhi has since agreed to repay the full amount and will pay an ­additional 25 per cent penalty

A copy of Ms Gichuhi’s birthday speech was also uploaded to her parliamentary website.

‘Fifty is the Biblical year of Jubilee, of freedom from oppression and debt, of healing the land, of rest and of new beginnings,’ the speech states.

‘This is my prayer for all of you. Five is the number of grace and jubilee can only happen because of his grace. So, fifty plus GST is a very important birthday for me and I have now also taught you to deduct 10 per cent off your own age – if you want to!’

The Kenyan-born senator moved to Australia in 1999 and was elected in 2016 after the High Court ruled that Family First Party leader Bob Day had not been eligible to stand for election.

Ms Gichuhi originally sat in the Senate as an independent before she joined the Liberals in February.

Originally an independent, Senator Lucy Gichuhi, pictured with former prime minister John Howard, joined the Liberals earlier this year

Originally an independent, Senator Lucy Gichuhi, pictured with former prime minister John Howard, joined the Liberals earlier this year

'Fifty is the Biblical year of Jubilee, of freedom from oppression and debt, of healing the land, of rest and of new beginnings,' Lucy Gichuhi, 56,  (pictured) told guests at her birthday party

‘Fifty is the Biblical year of Jubilee, of freedom from oppression and debt, of healing the land, of rest and of new beginnings,’ Lucy Gichuhi, 56,  (pictured) told guests at her birthday party