Senator Marco Rubio was slammed as ‘pathetically weak’ Wednesday night as parents and victims of the massacre in Parkland, Florida, took the stage to confront him in a Town Hall meeting.
Rubio received a chorus of boos when he said that a ban on assault weapons would not have by the father of one of the Parkland, Florida school shooting victims.
The Town Hall meeting was hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper, who noted at the beginning that President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Rick Scott both denied request to attend.
One of the first parents to take the state was Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was shot in the back as she ran away from the shooter, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, on Valentines day.
Senator Marco Rubio was slammed as ‘pathetically weak’ Wednesday night as parents and victims of the massacre in Parkland, Florida, took the stage to confront him in a Town Hall meeting

One of the first parents to take the state was Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was shot in the back as she ran away from the shoter, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, on Valentines day
‘Look at me and tell me you will do something about guns,’ the bereaved father implored.
‘Were guns a factor?’
Rubio did say that yes – guns are a factor, but insisted that an all-out ban on assault and semi-automatic weapons was not the answer.
‘I will support the banning of bump stocks,’ Rubio, who has received $9,900 from the National Rifle Association, said.
‘I think what you’re asking is about the assault weapon ban. If I believed that the passing of that law would prevent this, I would support it, but it does not,’ the senator continued.
He said his reason for not supporting the ban is because it would outlaw roughly 200 types of guns – assault rifles – while the purchase of over 2,000 types of ‘nearly identical’ guns would still be legal.
‘Rather than try to chase every loophole that’s created, we instead should make sure that dangerous criminals, people who are deranged, cannot buy any gun of any kind,’ he said.
‘That’s what I believe a better answer will be.’
He said he believes that men like Cruz shouldn’t be able to buy any kind of gun.