Senator Matt Canavan slammed for QandA appearance

Senator Matt Canavan has been slammed for an ‘abysmal’ live television appearance in which he ‘belittled’ a gay member of the audience.  

The same-sex marriage opponent appeared on the ABC’s QandA program on Monday night and reiterated his well-known views on the issue.

He was widely criticised for his comments throughout the program and was also accused of splitting hairs over statistics relating to suicide among the LGBTIQ community.  

The controversy began when a gay audience member questioned Senator Canavan’s stance on marriage equality after explaining he had been bullied at school because of his sexuality.

The young man spoke of being told by his peers that he was ‘no better than a paedophile’ and that he was ‘riddled with AIDS’.

‘Now you, Mr Canavan, have criticised my community as being “delicate little flowers” who need to “grow a spine” in the face of abuse,’ he said. 

Senator Matt Canavan has been slammed for an ‘abysmal’ live television appearance in which he ‘belittled’ a gay member of the audience.

A gay audience member questioned Senator Canavan's stance after explaining he had been bullied at school because of his sexuality

A gay audience member questioned Senator Canavan’s stance after explaining he had been bullied at school because of his sexuality

‘Isn’t the role of leadership to support society’s most vulnerable, rather than kick them while they’re down to get some political point scoring?’ 

Senator Canavan answered by expressing his concerns about the need to ‘respect other people’s opinions’.

‘But I also think living in a democracy… you’re going to meet people and hear from people who you disagree with. That can be frustrating and painful,’ he said.

‘Some people have a different view to you… It’s frustrating when others seek to shut your view down, just because you hold a view.’

Senator Canavan answered the question by expressing his concerns about the need to 'respect other people's opinions'

Senator Canavan answered the question by expressing his concerns about the need to ‘respect other people’s opinions’

Greens leader Richard Di Natale then reminded the Nationals Senator he slammed Westpac’s youth network when it urged its staff to vote ‘yes’, claiming it would prevent 3,000 suicides a year. 

‘Like you did to Westpac. When you said Westpac shouldn’t have spoken to their employees,’ Senator Di Natale said.   

‘I did not say that. I did not say that. That’s not what I said,’ Mr Canavan retorted. 

Senator Di Natale replied: ‘You called it same-sex blackmail.’ 

‘I did not. I did say that particular note was an attempt at blackmail,’ Senator Canavan said. 

Greens leader Richard Di Natale reminded the Nationals Senator he slammed Westpac's youth network when it urged its staff to vote 'yes'

Greens leader Richard Di Natale reminded the Nationals Senator he slammed Westpac’s youth network when it urged its staff to vote ‘yes’

Westpac later admitted its statistic used in the email was a mistake and actually referred to research only talking about suicide attempts (stock)

Westpac later admitted its statistic used in the email was a mistake and actually referred to research only talking about suicide attempts (stock)

He continued: ‘That particular note you’re referring to, people who support traditional marriage, they accuse them of causing 3,000 suicides in Australia every year when last year there was only 2,800 suicides.’ 

Westpac later admitted its statistic used in the email was a mistake and actually referred to research only talking about suicide attempts. 

Senator Canavan was widely criticised on social media following his comments on Monday night. 

‘Never thought I’d see Matt Canavan on QandA belittle a gay questioner,’ one viewer wrote.

Senator Canavan was widely criticised on social media following his comments on Monday night

Senator Canavan was widely criticised on social media following his comments on Monday night

Others commented that Senator Canavan continuously denied allegations made by other panellists 

Others commented that Senator Canavan continuously denied allegations made by other panellists 

The former Minister for Resources was forced to resign earlier this year over his dual Italian citizenship

The former Minister for Resources was forced to resign earlier this year over his dual Italian citizenship

Others showed their support for the Nationals Senator, claiming 'it was good to see' 

Others showed their support for the Nationals Senator, claiming ‘it was good to see’ 

‘Matt Canavan was abysmal on QandA tonight. He should resign just for being Matt Canavan,’ another said.

Others showed their support for the former Minister for Resources, who was forced to resign earlier this year over his dual Italian citizenship.

‘It’s good to see Matt Canavan is standing up for the mum and dad coal farmers,’ one wrote.  

Last month, Senator Canavan claimed those worried about the tone of the same-sex marriage debate should ‘grow a spine’ and stop being ‘delicate little flowers’.

‘Can’t we just all grow a spine and grow up? The debate hasn’t been that bad,’ he said.

Senator Canavan said he was happy to ignore the ‘vile tweets and statements from “yes” campaigners’.