Seth MacFarlane says he is embarrassed to work for Fox

  • Seth MacFarlane blasted his own network saying its news arm, Fox News, makes him embarrassed to work for them after Tucker Carlson said to distrust media
  • Carlson on Friday’s show told viewers to ‘believe the opposite’ of whatever ‘big news’ says about whats going on in America 
  • CNN’s Brian Stetler also commented on Twitter saying ‘tonight Tucker Carlson told his viewers not to believe ANYTHING they learn from his rivals’

Seth MacFarlane, creator of several Fox shows, said he is embarrassed to work for the network after remarks made by anchor Tucker Carlson, telling viewers to believe the opposite of what ‘big news’ reports.

‘If you’re looking to understand what’s actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they’re telling you on the big news stations,’ Carlson told his viewers on Friday night.

MacFarlane derided Carlson’s message. ‘In other words, don’t think critically, don’t consult multiple news sources, and in general, don’t use your brain,’ MacFarlane tweeted.

Seth MacFarlane said he is ’embarrassed’ to work for Fox over comments like those made by Tucker Carlson on Fox News, who told viewers to believe the opposite of what big media says

Tucker Carlson (pictured) told Fox News viewers to believe the opposite of what other 'big news' outlets report

Tucker Carlson (pictured) told Fox News viewers to believe the opposite of what other ‘big news’ outlets report

‘This is fringe sh**, and it’s business like this that makes me embarrassed to work for this company,’ the creator of Family Guy and The Orville added.

MacFarlane made his comments on a retweet of CNN’s Brian Stetler, whose show Reliable Sources is a look at how the media covers the news.

The CNN host hit out at Carlson saying he is sending a dangerous message to viewers.

‘Isn’t this sad? Tonight Tucker Carlson told his viewers not to believe ANYTHING they learn from his rivals.’

Fox News has been at the top of cable rated shows for years.

Meanwhile other news sources such as CNN, the New York Times, and Washington Post in recent months have called on viewers to look to several news outlets to gain a fuller understanding of what is happening in the world. 
