Sex doll sales skyrocket during lockdown

Some people have constructively used lockdown to master a musical instrument or learn a new language, but there is another new interest taking hold among house-bound Australians – sex dolls.

Ultra-realistic dolls with life-like skin that mimics human body temperature have been keeping an increasing number of locked-down residents company during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With opportunities for social interaction drying up, sales of ‘companion dolls’ or ‘love dolls’ have skyrocketed, with one major distributor saying orders have shot up by 35 per cent since lockdowns started back in March.

Sales of ultra-realistic sex dolls have dramatically increased during the COVID-19 pandemic

This blonde-haired love doll model is named Elsa (pictured) and sells online for $3000

This blonde-haired love doll model is named Elsa (pictured) and sells online for $3000

‘People don’t have the ability to socialise as much as they would have,’ Ryan James who runs Southern Treasures told Daily Mail Australia.

‘This includes people who choose to remain single, which a lot of my customers are, and those that would normally get out and meet people.’

The dolls have proven a popular companion in the cold winter months because they ‘warm up to your body temperature’.

‘A lot of people choose to sleep with them and cuddle them rather than having the heater running all night long,’ Mr James explained.

Popular American comedian Whitney Cummings once performed a Netflix special with a self-styled sex robot

Popular American comedian Whitney Cummings once performed a Netflix special with a self-styled sex robot

Imported from China and made from thermoplastic elastomers, the combination of melted rubber and plastic properties gives the feel of soft human skin.

High-end dolls worth about $3000 even have ‘imperfections’ like pores and skin blemishes built in by manufacturers to make them more realistic.

According to Mr James, the most popular model is a WM doll named Danae which sells online for $3,100.

‘That one has a tan complexion with blonde hair and she is wearing an army outfit,’ he said.

‘It is definitely our most popular one. She is very fit, has a very sporty physique and a C-cup.’

The company have now started to keep a local stockpile of dolls on hand at their Sydney facility so customers do not have to wait two to three weeks for shipping.

The most popular selling model for distributor Southern Treasures is a WM doll named Danae

The most popular selling model for distributor Southern Treasures is a WM doll named Danae

Danae (pictured) has tanned skin, blonde hair, military-style clothing and sells online for $3,100

Danae (pictured) has tanned skin, blonde hair, military-style clothing and sells online for $3,100

The dolls have been a popular companion in the cold winter months because they 'warm up to your body temperature'

The dolls have been a popular companion in the cold winter months because they ‘warm up to your body temperature’

'It is definitely our most popular one. She is very fit, has a very sporty physique and a C-cup,' Mr James said

‘It is definitely our most popular one. She is very fit, has a very sporty physique and a C-cup,’ Mr James said

But it is not just items designed for men which have grown in popularity during the coronavirus oubreak.

Sales of sex toys for the female market have also jumped along with male love dolls.

‘It is a taboo subject but as time goes on they will start to be accepted a little bit more,’ Mr James said.

‘We are slowly seeing that relationships aren’t for everyone and customers of mine have openly said they have just given up on the whole pursuit of going out, or searching online, to try and meet people.

‘People just don’t seem to have the time or the drive these days, so something to provide a bit of comfort sexually, and to cuddle up with, they say that is good enough for them.’

But a recent paper by the Australian Psychological Society warns that relationships with flesh-and-blood humans are still vital for good mental health, regardless of synthetic alternatives.

This love doll model by JY Doll is named Aisha (pictured) and sells online for $2,150

This love doll model by JY Doll is named Aisha (pictured) and sells online for $2,150

It is not just items designed for men which have grown in popularity during the coronavirus oubreak. Sales of sex toys for woman have also jumped along with male love dolls

It is not just items designed for men which have grown in popularity during the coronavirus oubreak. Sales of sex toys for woman have also jumped along with male love dolls

‘Everyone is different in how they will respond to restrictions on social outings and in-person contact,’ the paper said.

‘The experience of loneliness and ways of coping with it are very individual. Some people enjoy … other people may be struggling with reduced or no in-person social contact.

‘But for all of us, social relationships help maintain good mental health, so it is important to maintain some level of contact with our social networks.

‘This can be as simple as phoning or writing to a friend to share your experience, using videoconferencing technology to check in with a family member, or spending quality time with people you live with.’

The Australian Psychological Society warns that 'social relationships' are still vital for good mental health, even in the age of social distancing

The Australian Psychological Society warns that ‘social relationships’ are still vital for good mental health, even in the age of social distancing