Sexual assault survivor confronts Ted Cruz outside Kavanaugh vote and blasts dismissive response 

A sexual assault survivor confronted Republican Senator Ted Cruz in an elevator outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s vote to share her story of rape.

In a video posted to Twitter, Jessica Morales Rocketto is seen speaking to the Texas Senator who is supporting embroiled Judge Kavanaugh in his nomination to the Supreme Court, despite sexual assault allegations against him. 

‘Will you actually listen to us?’ Morales Rocketto, the National Domestic Workers Alliance political director, asks Senator Cruz. 

‘I think substance matters,’ he responds. 

This came the same day two women tearfully cornered Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator to share their stories of sexual assault.

Jessica Morales Rocketto was filmed confronting Senator Ted Cruz Friday outside of Brett Kavanaugh's vote to Supreme Court

Jessica Morales Rocketto was filmed confronting Senator Ted Cruz Friday outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s vote to Supreme Court 

Morales Rocketto posted the video to her 16,000 followers on Twitter Friday, writing: 'On my way out of the Senate today I ran into @TedCruz. He looked at me in silence for 15 seconds after I told him my story of assault

Morales Rocketto posted the video to her 16,000 followers on Twitter Friday, writing: ‘On my way out of the Senate today I ran into @TedCruz. He looked at me in silence for 15 seconds after I told him my story of assault

Senator Cruz is supporting Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, pictured Friday leaving a meeting in the office of Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell 

Senator Cruz is supporting Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, pictured Friday leaving a meeting in the office of Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell 

Morales Rocketto posted the video to her 16,000 followers on Twitter Friday, writing: ‘On my way out of the Senate today I ran into @TedCruz. He looked at me in silence for 15 seconds after I told him my story of assault.

Morales Rocketto, the National Domestic Workers Alliance political director, asks Senator Cruz if he will listen to survivors 

Morales Rocketto, the National Domestic Workers Alliance political director, asks Senator Cruz if he will listen to survivors 

‘He told me ”substance matters.” I told him the substance of my argument was #BelieveSurvivors and to #BeAHero and vote no on Kavanaugh.’ 

Morales Rocketto tells Cruz in the video: ‘I spent the entire day telling the story of a man who raped me. And I need you to know how important it is.’

‘I’m very sorry for what happened to you but, that is not Judge Kavanaugh,’ Cruz tells her. 

‘Yes but it’s one way you can show me you understand why it’s important to believe survivors,’ she says as Cruz disappears into a room. 

As the door shuts on Morales Rocketto, she and another man shout: ‘I hope you make the right choice, sir. Do the right thing, Senator! Be a hero!’  

The confrontation comes one day after Dr Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of the Senate Judaical Committee, explaining how she feared for her life when a ‘visibly drunk’ Kavanaugh sexually attacked her at a high school party when she was 15.

Following her testimony, Kavanaugh denied ever sexually assaulting Ford and repeatedly evaded questions about his drinking in high school and college.

She asks the Texas Senator if he will listen to sexual assault survivors and vote no to confirm embroiled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

She asks the Texas Senator if he will listen to sexual assault survivors and vote no to confirm embroiled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

She asks the Texas Senator if he will listen to sexual assault survivors and vote no to confirm embroiled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

The Texas Senator  is supporting embroiled judge Kavanaugh in his nomination to the Supreme Court, despite sexual assault allegations against him

The Texas Senator is supporting embroiled judge Kavanaugh in his nomination to the Supreme Court, despite sexual assault allegations against him

A vote to confirm Kavanaugh has since been pushed back for another week after a heated exchange prompted Arizona Senator Jeff Flake to announce that he would advance Kavanaugh’s nomination only after after the FBI be allowed to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh by Dr Blasey Ford.

Flake’s decision came after two survivors of sexual assault berated the senator in an elevator after he announced he would vote in favor of Brett Kavanaugh earlier that morning.

Maria Gallagher, 23, and Ana Maria Archila had rushed after Flake in a Capitol Hill hallway and blocked the doors to the elevator Flake was in Friday. 

Archila pointed her finger at Flake while she appeared to keep the elevator door from closing.

Senator Jeff Flake (pictured) was stuck in an elevator for around five minutes after two women blocked the elevator doors and called on him to support victims of sexual abuse

Senator Jeff Flake (pictured) was stuck in an elevator for around five minutes after two women blocked the elevator doors and called on him to support victims of sexual abuse

Maria Gallagher later tweeted a picture of her and Ana Maria Archila in a congratulatory embrace after Flake announced  that he would advance Kavanaugh's nomination only after after the FBI be allowed to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh by Dr Blasey Ford

Maria Gallagher later tweeted a picture of her and Ana Maria Archila in a congratulatory embrace after Flake announced  that he would advance Kavanaugh’s nomination only after after the FBI be allowed to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh by Dr Blasey Ford

‘On Monday, I stood in front of your office,’ Archila, co-executive director of the nonprofit Center for Popular Democracy Action, told Flake.

‘I told the story of my sexual assault. I told it because I recognized in Dr. Ford’s story that she is telling the truth. What you are doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit on the Supreme Court.’

Gallagher shouted, through tears: ‘I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me.

‘I didn’t tell anyone, and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter, that they should just stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them you are going to ignore them.’

‘That’s what happened to me, and that’s what you are telling all women in America, that they don’t matter,’ she said through tears.

Reacting to Flake’s volte-face, Gallagher said she felt relieved that their voices had been heard and that an FBI investigation will take place.