‘Sexual Deviant’ best friends, including a student teacher, arrested for alleged sex with teen boys

Two Santa Clara County California women, who called themselves ‘sexual deviants’, have been arrested for allegedly having sex with teenage boys.

After a months long investigation, student-teacher Talia Sisco, 24, and her best friend Tina Pourani, 23, were arrested Thursday accused of being sexually involved with several 15 and 16 year-old boys.

According to authorities the women knew their victims through family friends.

Police also believe there are more victims and are asking people to come forward. 

Tina Pourani, seen in her mug shot,posted $60,000 bail after being charged with multiple counts of sex with minors

Talia Sisco, left, and Tina Pourani, right in their mugshots.  The two best friends are charged with multiple counts of sex with minors 

Sisco was a student-teacher at Bernal Middle School in San Jose when the investigation began. 

Investigators say that they do not believe that any of her victims were middle schoolers, and she no longer has access to the school. 

She is being held without bail, charged with multiple counts each of oral copulation of a minor and unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and arranging a meeting with a minor to commit a sex offense.

Tina Pourani, was arrested and charged with counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and oral copulation of a minor.  She is currently out of jail having posted $60,000 bail. 

Authorities say that the investigation into the pair started on April 7, when, according to the Mercury News, they received a tip that the women were involved in ‘a series of alleged sexual relationships between these suspects and several boys attending a local high school’. 

Talia Sisco, in a picture from her Twitter feed.  She is currently being held without bail on charges of sex with minors 

Talia Sisco, in a picture from her Twitter feed.  She is currently being held without bail on charges of sex with minors 

Tina Pourani poses for a picture,  she and Sisco have been best friends since high school

Tina Pourani poses for a picture,  she and Sisco have been best friends since high school

Sisco was a student teacher at the Bernal Middle School, but authorities do not believe that any of her victims were that young. 

Sisco was a student teacher at the Bernal Middle School, but authorities do not believe that any of her victims were that young. 

The Sheriff’s Department spoke to reported victims and ‘collected extensive evidence of a graphic sexual nature.’ 

In that evidence at least one of the suspects refers to herself as a ‘sexual deviant’. 

The department declined to share any more information about the case.     

‘The protection of our children is always a top priority for our agency. I am grateful these predators were brought to justice,’ Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith told ABC 13, adding, ‘if there are other victims still out there, please come forward.’ 



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