Shh! Anti-agers no one but you need know about: I hate my bloated legs. How can I slim them down?

Shh! Anti-agers no one but you need know about: I hate my bloated legs. How can I slim them down?

  • Beauty director Inge van Lotringen advises a reader on reducing leg bloating 
  • She suggests regular lymphatic drainage massages and Endospheres therapy
  • Inge says the £1,200 therapy also improves overall leg health and tones

Q: My legs can get quite bloated and always feel heavy — could you recommend any treatments that actually tackle this?

A: Keep moving! Being sedentary is the worst thing if your legs tend to retain fluid, but if yours are like mine, even religious exercise won’t be enough to keep the bloat at bay.

Regular lymphatic drainage massage (from £60, look on helps drain stagnant fluids, and now a therapy called Endospheres, originally used in hospitals for chronic lymph and circulation problems, incorporates it in a really effective and speedy way.

An anonymous reader asked beauty director Inge van Lotringen for advice on reliving bloated legs (file image)

A vibrating tubular handpiece (attached to a machine) is rolled along your legs emitting ‘compressive microvibration’, which simultaneously speeds up blood circulation and lymph drainage, also stimulating fat breakdown and muscle tone.

It hurts if you have bloated legs that feel tight, but despite that, it doesn’t cause any bruising, which is when you know that something is working.

It made my legs look and feel much better, and after the 12 recommended half-hour treatments my bum had lifted an inch, which was nice.

In theory Endospheres should minimise cellulite as well, but it had a negligible effect on mine. It’s great for overall leg health and a toning effect, though.

A treatment is £120; the recommended 12 are £1,200 — look on for salons.

Ingeborg van Lotringen (pictured) suggested a combination of lymphatic drainage massages and Endospheres therapy

Ingeborg van Lotringen (pictured) suggested a combination of lymphatic drainage massages and Endospheres therapy

Ingeborg van Lotringen is beauty director at Cosmopolitan. Email questions to
