Shocked bride learns John Worboys performed at her wedding

A married couple have spoken of their shock after they realised black cab rapist John Worboys performed his stripping routine at their wedding. 

The pair, who were married in 1991, had the stripper perform at their big day completely unaware of his darkside. The performance was before his reign of terror which lasted from July 2007 and February 2008.

Worboys has been linked to more than 100 rapes or sexual assaults in the back of his black cab. 

John Worboys, pictured here at a wedding in St Albans in 1991, performed his stripping routine for the newly married couple who are now appalled having learned about his dark side

John Worboys performed as a stripper called Terry the Minder for 13 years between 1987-2000

Worboys, pictured on his own wedding day in 1991 with his now ex-wife Jean is expected to be released from prison in the coming weeks 

Worboys, pictured on his own wedding day in 1991 with his now ex-wife Jean is expected to be released from prison in the coming weeks 

Speaking to the Sunday Mirror, the bride said: ‘It casts a horrendous shadow over that day.’ 

Worboys was performing under his stage name ‘Terry the Minder’. He continued his routine for 13 years between 1987 and 2000.

The routine was filmed and it shows Worboys, who had a bleached blonde mullet, strip down to a pink g-string before performing a range of demeaning acts on the bridge – including biting her bottom. 

She said: ‘It makes me sick to my stomach now, knowing that evil man was not only at my wedding day – but in my living room among my family and friends. It’s traumatising, I’m disgusted – as are all our family who recall him being there that day.’

He is expected to be released in the coming weeks, which has caused widespread revulsion and outrage. 

The bride admitted that the revelation that the man who performed at her wedding is also a serial sex offender has tarnished her wedding video. 

Worboys was hired to perform at the reception in St Albans as a ‘surprise gift’.

John Worboys prowled the West End of London looking for victims in his black taxi cab

John Worboys prowled the West End of London looking for victims in his black taxi cab

However, Worboys claims ‘God has forgiven him’ for his crimes. 

According to The Daily Star Sunday, a prison source said: ‘Worboys is seriously misguided and I believe is potentially still a danger to women. He thinks he is born again since embracing religion and that he has been forgiven. 

‘He says he is a changed man – but how can this be proved?’

The convicted rapist has been attending Church of England services at maximum security Wakefield prison. 

The source added: ‘A cynical person might think he’s done this as the best way of getting parole. He then shows remorse, admits his guilt and fulfi ls the requirements of the Parole Board.’

Meanwhile, one victim of Worboys victim of black cab rapist John Worboys has said she feels ‘shocked, shaken and tearful’ that he is going to be released from prison and fears he could still be a danger to women.

He carried around a 'rape kit' for drugging and taking advantage of vulnerable women

He carried around a ‘rape kit’ for drugging and taking advantage of vulnerable women

The decision to release the 60-year-old nine years after he was jailed prompted anger from victims and questions around why not all of the 102 complainants had their cases brought to trial.

According to the Observer, the government has been prompted into action following the outcry surrounding Worboys’ imminent release. 

Justice secretary David Lidington is set to order a review into methods used by the Parole Board. 

He told The Sunday Express: ‘John Worboys was convicted of horrific crimes. My thoughts and unreserved sympathy are with his victims for whom news of the Parole Board’s decision to order Worboys’s release must have reawakened the most appalling memories. 

‘It is a priority for this Government that victims of rape and sexual assault have full confidence in the May vows to restore sex victims’ confidence in UK justice system criminal justice system.

‘While it is right that the Parole Board should remain an independent body, I believe that there is a strong case to review how to allow greater openness about the decision-making process.’

The government accepts the case has exposed failings in the criminal justice system.

Finding out that Worboys, who was found guilty of 19 charges of drugging and sexually assaulting 12 women passengers, in one case raping a woman, was to be released from a news report rather than the authorities had left her feeling ‘cheated and betrayed,’ according to the victim.

She said: ‘I never thought Worboys would see the light of day after the terrible offences he committed. I honestly thought he would never be allowed out of prison.

‘So I was shocked, shaken and tearful when a friend sent me an email with a link to the story of his imminent release.

‘I hadn’t been told by the Parole Board and had to find out by looking at a news website which is completely out of order. I felt cheated and betrayed. They could have at least sent me a letter. ‘

A day after his release was confirmed, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) explained it had charged Worboys with offences ‘where it was deemed there was a realistic prospect of conviction’.

The woman said: ‘I am really concerned that he could offend again. How can he carry out so many horrific crimes and then suddenly be ok?’

One woman who said she had a narrow escape from the sexual predator said police dismissed her when she told them of her ordeal in 2002.

Justice Secretary David Lidington is expected to announce a review into the Parole Board following the outrage caused by Worboy's imminent release from prison 

Justice Secretary David Lidington is expected to announce a review into the Parole Board following the outrage caused by Worboy’s imminent release from prison 

In a comment piece for the i newspaper, Hannah Roberts said it was six years on before she was given the opportunity to identify him and make a statement.

Criticising the CPS, she said: ‘Many of the women who came forward to accuse Worboys were ignored or not believed by police at the time of their attacks.’

Richard Scorer, a specialist abuse lawyer from Slater and Gordon, which represents 11 of Worboys’s victims, said: ‘Are his many victims seriously expected to believe that he has become a changed character? It is crucial that we are told the reasons why he has been allowed out.

Worboys is said to have 'found God' while in HMP Wakefield, pictured, and attends Church of England services in the jail 

Worboys is said to have ‘found God’ while in HMP Wakefield, pictured, and attends Church of England services in the jail 

‘Otherwise how are his victims meant to have any trust in the system which they feel so deeply betrayed by?’

The CPS said 83 women had reported allegations up to the point of conviction, and a further 19 afterwards, and the body had advised officers to refer any allegations of rape.

One file was submitted in relation to an allegation of sexual assault but it ‘did not pass the evidential test’, the CPS statement added.

It said: ‘It would be unlikely that it would be in the public interest to prosecute Worboys in relation to allegations of sexual assault or administering a substance with intent, because of the maximum sentence available to the court.’

The Metropolitan Police confirmed there is currently no live investigation into Worboys.

Sir Keir Starmer, who was director of public prosecutions at the time of the trial, did not have ‘any involvement in the decision-making’ the CPS said.

He has reiterated a call to anyone with concerns about allegations against Worboys that they believe may not have been looked into to contact police.

Chairman of the Parole Board, Professor Nick Hardwick, who apologised after some victims were not contacted ahead of the announcement that Worboys is to be released, will be summoned before the House of Commons Justice Committee to explain how the decision for release was reached.

Chairman of the committee, Conservative MP Bob Neill, called for the Parole Board’s processes to be made more transparent, saying it is ‘ridiculous that the current rules prevent the board making public the reasons for their decisions’.