Shocked diner sees McDonald’s worker digs snow from ground

A McDonald’s customer has told of his horror after seeing a worker ladling snow from the street with a blender jug before going back to the kitchen.

Mr Chao, in China, said he was shocked and disgusted and that he suspected the female employee used the melted snow to make cold drinks.

The man claimed on social media that he saw the worker bringing a jug of snow into the restaurant four times before pouring it a container marked ‘for ice’.

The restaurant manager, however, said there was no running water in the restaurant on the day, but insisted that the restaurant only used bottled water to make drinks.

She is seen walking in and out of McDonalds carrying snow four times

A McDonald’s worker is digging snow into a jug near the restaurant in the touristy Helong Park, China (left). She is seen walking in and out of McDonalds carrying snow four times (right)

Mr Chao told The Paper that he was at McDonald’s in Helong Park, Tianzi mountain, a tourist spot in Hunan Province with his friends on January 29. 

It’s reported that Mr Chao did not see the staff making drinks with the snow but he had doubts as his friends were not feeling well after having the meal.

His footage showed a female worker in red jacket scooping snow metres away from the restaurant and taking a jug full of snow into the sink behind the till.

The worker can be seen using a long spatula to stir the snow in a red bucket.

The restaurant manager replied to The Paper that they had not received any complaints regarding the incident.

Mr Chao filmed the footage when he was visiting Helong Park on January 29 with a group of friends

He saw the worker transferring the snow into a bucket in the sink

Mr Chao filmed the footage when he was visiting Helong Park on January 29 with a group of friends (left). He saw the worker transferring the snow into a bucket in the sink (right)

Mr Chao, claimed that the incident took place at a McDonald's restaurant in Hunan (file photo)

Mr Chao, claimed that the incident took place at a McDonald’s restaurant in Hunan (file photo)

The restaurant manager also told the reporters that she had passed the matter the head office for investigation.

She also confirmed that the restaurant would only use bottled water to make drinks.

A customer service officer from McDonald’s China responded to by saying that the worker was using the snow for cleaning purpose.

Restaurant manager claimed they only use bottled water to make drinks and food

McDonald's China confirmed that the worker was using the meltwater to mop the floor

Restaurant manager claimed they only use bottled water to make drinks and food. McDonald’s China confirmed that the worker was using the meltwater to mop the floor

‘The worker is planning to use the ice water to clean the restaurant but not for making food or drinks. We care for our customers’ health,’ the officer was quoted saying. pointed out the worker in the video was saying: ‘The snow is very difficult to melt. I will boil it and give it to you to mop the floor.’ 

McDonald’s China replied to MailOnline that they ‘had immediately conducted internal investigation after receiving complaint’.

They explained that the water tank in the restaurant was frozen these days and the staff were using the melted snow for restaurant floor mopping as a temporary solution.

‘All food and beverage offered to customers are prepared with barreled water at this restaurant.’