Shocked woman spots young boy sitting on top of a towering McDonald’s playground slide in Adelaide

  • An image shared to social media shows a boy sitting on top of a playground
  • It was shared with the caption ‘I don’t thin you should be up there’
  • The adventurous child shocked the passerby who stopped to snap the image

A shocked woman has shared an image of a young child dangling in the air on top of a towering McDonald’s playground slide.

The image, uploaded to Instagram on Sunday night, shows the boy on the outside of the play equipment – putting his life in danger.   

The boy’s legs dangle off of the side of a purple helicopter while the propeller sits below him.

He sits high above the rest of the fast food restaurant, as the iconic glowing ‘M’ shines in the background. 

A shocked woman has shared an image of an adventurous child on social media, showing a young boy on top of a helicopter in a McDonald’s playground

It was originally captured on picture sharing app Snapchat.

The Snapchat image had text over it that read: ‘Ah, I don’t think you should be up there.’ 

The Instagram page S*** Adelaide also shared the image.

The caption said: ‘This kid’s really going places… probably not to University though…’

It also identifies the store as Camden Park McDonald’s in South Australia. 

In just over two hours the Instagram version of the image has more than 2,000 likes. 

Daily Mail Australia has contacted McDonald’s Australia for comment. 

The Instagram page S*** Adelaide also shared the image and identified the store as Camden Park McDonald's in South Australia

The Instagram page S*** Adelaide also shared the image and identified the store as Camden Park McDonald’s in South Australia
