Shocking footage shows two inmates in a zombie-like trance

Two inmates have been filmed in a zombie-like trance after allegedly taking the drug spice in jail.

Exclusive footage obtained by MailOnline from Buckley Hall prison, Rochdale, shows a man with his trousers down sitting on another inmate as jeering inmates look on.

Both men appear to be in a stupour reportedly caused by the synthetic cannabis substitute.

Shocking: Exclusive footage obtained by MailOnline from Buckley Hall prison, Rochdale, shows a man with his trousers down sitting on another inmate as jeering inmates look on

As the seated prisoner struggles to keep his balance, the others can be seen pulling down his boxers and exposing him. 

Meanwhile, the second man appears to have collapsed against the wall.

‘What are you f****** doing?’ a man is heard saying in the background, amid uproarious laughter.

At one point, the sitting inmate falls to the ground, as one prisoner is heard exclaiming: ‘You f***** it up!’  

Both men appear to be in a stupour after reportedly taking the synthetic cannabis substitute

Both men appear to be in a stupour after reportedly taking the synthetic cannabis substitute

In a trance: The second other man appears to have collapsed against the wall

In a trance: The second other man appears to have collapsed against the wall

The clip follows a warning earlier this month by Dr George Ryan of Public Health England, who blamed an explosion of violence in prison on the use of the drug.  

Dr Ryan, a Government advisor, warned that it was relatively easy for prisoners to smuggle in spice as it was a liquid which could be sprayed onto regular tobacco – which most prisons allow. It can even be sprayed onto a piece of paper ‘the size of a thumbnail’, to be smoked later.

He revealed that urine tests carried out in 10 prisons in north west England had showed around eight per cent of prisoners tested positive for spice on arrival but 16 per cent were positive on release. 

By contrast, levels of other drugs like cannabis, cocaine and heroin all dropped dramatically during prison sentences. Just one in 100 prisoners tested positive for cocaine on release compared to one in four on arrival.

Speaking at PHE’s conference at Warwick University, Dr Ryan said: ‘Perhaps the most alarming statistic of all is that prisoners are twice as likely to use spice when they leave prisons as when they arrive.

At one point, the sitting inmate falls to the ground, as one prisoner is heard exclaiming: 'You f***** it up!'

At one point, the sitting inmate falls to the ground, as one prisoner is heard exclaiming: ‘You f***** it up!’

A man can be heard saying: 'What are you f****** doing?' amid uproarious laughter

A man can be heard saying: ‘What are you f****** doing?’ amid uproarious laughter

‘So, effectively, use of spice doubles when people are incarcerated.

‘It’s a very potent drug so people get a lot more bangs for their buck. It remains a very affordable drug in prison for some people. Higher potency forms increase the risk of people becoming dependent.’

Spice is not one single drug but the name for a group of similar chemicals known as synthetic cannabinoids designed to mimic the effects of cannabis. The drugs were sold as legal highs but were banned last year.

Experts say newer versions are stronger and more unpredictable. The highly addictive drug can leave users in a ‘zombie-like’ state or trigger psychotic episodes.

Spice is attractive to prisoners because it is cheap and was previously hard to detect – effective tests have only recently been developed.  

Until May last year there were no sanctions for prisoners possessing spice in jail, but the law now says offenders caught with the drug could face up to two further years in custody and a fine.

But prison officers warn use of the drug is at epidemic levels. In July, a two-day riot linked to a jump in supplies of the drug took place at The Mount prison in Hertfordshire.

Home Office figures show two thirds of all prison drugs seizures are for so-called ‘new psychoactive substances’, of which 99 per cent are spice.

In the first 10 months of 2015, officers at HMP Forest Bank, near Manchester, seized 4.4kg of spice – 39 times more than the 114g of cannabis and 210 times more than the 21g of heroin seized over the same period.

Dangerous: The clip follows a warning earlier this month by Dr George Ryan of Public Health England, who blamed an explosion of violence in prison on the use of the drug

Dangerous: The clip follows a warning earlier this month by Dr George Ryan of Public Health England, who blamed an explosion of violence in prison on the use of the drug

Dr Ryan said the wide use of spice could explain an increase in violence in prisons, as potent strains could leave up to 10 or 12 prisoners needing hospital treatment in a day.

He said: ‘You have the toxic combination of wide-ranging effects and high, variable and unpredictable potency. In a closed environment like a prison it’s particularly challenging.

‘Each [hospitalised] prisoner is accompanied by a minimum of two people as an escort – that would lead to a meltdown with already over-worked staff brought to breaking point.

‘Other prisoners who have done nothing wrong will be confined to their cells due to staff shortages and will be rightly frustrated, aggrieved and angry… This level of dissatisfaction will lead to prisoners being volatile and probably is the explanation for some of the disorder we are seeing in our prisons over the past 12 month or so.’

Spice is currently only considered a serious problem in male adult prisons, although there have been some incidences of its use in youth offender and women’s prisons.

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman figures show 79 people known or strongly suspected to have been using spice or similar ‘new psychoactive substances’ died in prison between June 2013 and September last year.

Two of the deaths were murders, while 56 were caused by prisoners fatally injuring themselves while high on the drug.

Earlier this year, the prisons ombudsman, Nigel Newcomen, described the drugs as ‘a scourge in prison’.

A Daily Mail investigation published earlier this month revealed police callouts for incidents linked to spice use had almost doubled in the first three months of 2017, with some cities experiencing around six incidents every day.