Shocking moment a cyclist veers across Harbour Bridge

  • Dashcam footage shows the moment a cyclist rides across the Harbour Bridge
  • Bicycles are strictly not allowed on the bridge, but the cyclist seemed unfazed
  • As the motorist filming follows behind, the cyclist dashes across three lanes
  • He was later pulled over and issued a warning by police in Neutral Bay

A driver has captured the terrifying moment a cyclist veered across a busy highway after riding across the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Caught on dashcam footage, the cyclist can be seen riding what appears to be a BMX bike across the bridge at 2.30am on Sunday.

Bicycles are strictly not allowed on the Harbour Bridge, but the cyclist seems unfazed by the cars around him. 

The cyclist can be seen riding what appears to be a BMX bike across the bridge at 2.30am on Sunday morning

Both cyclist and driver take the North Sydney exit ramp before the cyclist stops on the median strip

Both cyclist and driver take the North Sydney exit ramp before the cyclist stops on the median strip

The driver recording the footage follows closely behind the cyclist in an attempt to let him know the danger he is in.

Both cyclist and driver take the North Sydney exit ramp before the cyclist stops on the median strip to signal the driver to overtake him.

Before the car moves, the man on the bike veers across three lanes back on to the highway.

The driver continues to follow the cyclist until he pulls off the road.

After offering the motorist the chance to overtake, the man on the bike veers across three lanes back on to the highway

After offering the motorist the chance to overtake, the man on the bike veers across three lanes back on to the highway

The men can be heard talking to each other, as the driver tells the cyclist ‘it’s illegal to ride on the bridge’.

‘You’ll get yourself killed, you’re not allowed to ride here,’ the motorist said. 

The video then cuts to a street in Neutral Bay, where police finally arrive to issue the cyclist with a warning, 9 News reported. 

Police later arrived to issue the cyclist with a warning in Neutral Bay

Police later arrived to issue the cyclist with a warning in Neutral Bay