Shocking moment British pensioner is run over and sent flying by hit-and-run driver in Thailand

Shocking moment British pensioner, 74, is run over and sent flying on a zebra crossing by hit-and-run driver in Thailand

  • Peter Palmer, 74, was flung into the air like a ragdoll as the vehicle struck him
  • The tourist was on his way to breakfast from his hotel when he was hit by the car
  • The pickup truck ran through a red light before hitting the man and driving away

Shocking footage has emerged of a British pensioner getting hit by a pickup truck after crossing a road on his way to a hotel breakfast.

A white pickup truck rammed into 74-year-old Peter Palmer as he made his way across a zebra crossing yesterday, November 28.

The Englishman, who was on holiday in Chonburi, Thailand, had made it halfway across the pedestrian crossing when the white Isuzu D-Max rammed into him as it drove through a red light.

The tourist was flung into the air like a ragdoll as the car struck him at speed.

Horrific CCTV captured the incident as Mr Palmer was mowed down by the vehicle

Peter Palmer had made it halfway across the pedestrian crossing when the white Isuzu D-Max rammed into him

Peter Palmer had made it halfway across the pedestrian crossing when the white Isuzu D-Max rammed into him

The tourist was flung into the air like a ragdoll as the car ran through a red light and struck him at speed

The tourist was flung into the air like a ragdoll as the car ran through a red light and struck him at speed

Horrific CCTV captured the incident as Mr Palmer was mowed down by the vehicle.

Showing no concern at all, the pickup truck slowed down slightly after striking him, before quickly driving away at speed.

Mr Palmer was then left curled up on the tarmac and apparently unconscious as a bystander called for help.

Horrific CCTV captured the incident as Mr Palmer was struck by the pickup truck

Horrific CCTV captured the incident as Mr Palmer was struck by the pickup truck

The driver then sped away, showing no concern for the man they just hit

The driver then sped away, showing no concern for the man they just hit

Mr Palmer was then left curled up on the tarmac and apparently unconscious as a bystander called for help

Mr Palmer was then left curled up on the tarmac and apparently unconscious as a bystander called for help

The pensioner was then rushed to a nearby hospital, where he received four stitches for a head wound and was taken for x-rays for a painful hip injury.

Mr Palmer, speaking to a local Thai journalist, said: ‘I leave condo to cross the road for breakfast. I see light go green at it said 12 seconds to cross. One man comes towards me and car [hit me].’

The holidaymaker added: ‘If the pickup driver sees me on the news, I would like to tell him to surrender himself and take care of me. Both motorists and pedestrians should be more careful when using roads for the safety of everybody.’

He added he will be filing a complaint with the police after he returns from the hospital.

Speaking to a local Thai journalist, Mr Palmer called on the driver to 'surrender himself'

Speaking to a local Thai journalist, Mr Palmer called on the driver to ‘surrender himself’

The pensioner was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he received four stitches for a head wound and was taken for x-rays for a painful hip injury

The pensioner was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he received four stitches for a head wound and was taken for x-rays for a painful hip injury

After being struck by the car, Mr Palmer received four stitches for a head wound

After being struck by the car, Mr Palmer received four stitches for a head wound

He has also appealed to Thai media to broadcast his story to help him track down the driver. The licence plate was unclear on the CCTV security footage.

Hit-and-run offenders, under Sections 78 and 160 of Thailand’s Land Traffic Act, may face fines between 2,000 to 10,000 THB (around £48 to £234), detention of up to three months, or both. Penalties increase if a victim was killed or seriously injured.
