Shocking moment commuter films schoolchildren riding between the carriages of a London train

Shocking moment commuter films schoolchildren riding between the carriages of a London train as one flicks the finger

  • Two boys cling to London Docklands Light Railway as it travels on a raised track
  • Boys spotted between South Quay and Heron Quays DLR stations, east London  
  • The commuter said she was going to sound the alarm but worried the train may stop suddenly causing the boys to fall off

Shocking footage filmed by a commuter shows two school boys clinging onto the outside of the London Docklands Light Railway (DLR) as it travels on a raised track high above London.

The commuter spotted the boys between the carriages of the unmanned train from South Quay to Heron Quays DLR stations in east London. 

As most children were making their way home from school at 3.23pm today the boys played roulette with their lives in a potentially deadly stunt.

The commuter, 27, who was on her way to her job as a carer said: ‘They are stupid and they were recording it all on their phones for Snapchat.

‘It’s getting dangerous kids doing risky things for attention likes or whatever social media! 

‘I thought if they fall they will die and no one will be able to get home, it’s a selfish act by immature young adults!

‘It caused alarm and distress to many other passengers, we were going to press the alarm but thought if the train stopped suddenly it may cause them to fall off also.’

The boys  flip her the finger

After noticing the risky behaviour has attracted the attention of the commuter they flip her the finger 

The shocking video shows students hanging in between carriages on the DLR in their school uniforms

After spotting that the woman was filming them the boy closest to the commuter alerted his friend, they then both proceeded to give her the middle finger- despite her concerns for their safety.  

Although the DLR trains do not have drivers, they do have train attendants who travel aboard the trains and are able to operate the train manually if the need arises. 

After similar incidents involving young people became a trend around a decade ago train manufacturers adapted their trains to make them harder to step aboard on the exterior.

In February this year two men filmed themselves jumping on the top of a DLR at West Silvertown station in London, running along the train roof as it travelled 40mph.

He appears to be a little bit worried at one point as he looks down at the tracks

The smug faced teen risks his life on the exterior of the train

The smug faced teen risks his life on the exterior of the train but appears to be a little bit worried at one point as he looks down at the tracks