Shocking moment woman brazenly steals fellow passenger’s Apple charger on flight

Lesson for air travelers everywhere – never leave anything behind at your seat if the pilot lets you deplane during a delay.

A man on a flight to Miami that was stuck on the tarmac learned that lesson the hard way but was able to turn the fold-down tray tables on a woman who stopped to snatch the pricey Apple phone charger he’d left plugged in to his seat outlet as the pilot let them off to stretch their legs.

After a fellow passenger notified him in the terminal that the blond sitting a few rows back had crouched down on her way out to unplug, rollup and take the power source, he was ready and waiting when she got back onboard.

And he filmed the entire encounter as he approached the woman to ask if she had taken it.

‘Excuse me, did you take my charger?’ he asked as she trudged down the aisle toward him, wearing a backpack and towing a large suitcase.

‘Nah she’s trying to act like it’s not a big deal because she’s on the wrong side of the argument,’ said one person 

‘Yeah, I have it,’ she immediately responded in an exasperated tone. 

‘Why would you take my charger?’ he asked her. 

‘Because we got off the flight,’ she whined back, trying to make it seem as if the whole thing was no big deal, adding, ‘It’s OK, you’re gonna get it back.’

But the irate victim, who posted the exchange to TikTok, wasn’t letting it go at that and when he pressed her for a reason why she would take something that clearly was not hers, the thief tried to make it seem as if that was a normal thing to do.

‘Because no one was on the flight, bro. Just chill the f*** out. And you’re getting it back,’ she snapped back at him as she passed his seat in the aisle.

He then said, ‘You can’t take things without asking. It doesn’t make any sense’ and demands she hand it over. 

'[They] said, "Hey listen just wanted to let you know I'm sitting across from you to your left, and there's a girl that got off your flight that actually stopped at your seat, unplugged your charger, rolled it up and put it in her bag,' he said

‘[They] said, “Hey listen just wanted to let you know I’m sitting across from you to your left, and there’s a girl that got off your flight that actually stopped at your seat, unplugged your charger, rolled it up and put it in her bag,’ he said

Another woman intervened asking him to sit down to avoid getting kicked off the plane. 

Another passenger also gets involved saying: ‘You’re being ridiculous. She said she was gonna give it back.’

To which the man responded: ‘No, you’re being ridiculous. She stole something without asking.’ 

He was handed back the charger when she pulled it from out of her bag and said that she was only giving it back because she was caught and ‘everyone else saw you.’ 

Many commenters referred to the scenario as ‘gaslighting’ by the charger thief. ‘The evidence is in her bag, and she’s gaslighting him,’ posted one person. 

‘Nah she’s trying to act like it’s not a big deal because she’s on the wrong side of the argument,’ said another. 

Many also believed that the location of the charger proved that the woman had no intention of returning the device to its rightful owner. 

‘She has it zipped up inside her bag. She wasn’t planning on giving it back,’ said a commenter. 

In a second video, uploaded by the same creator, he explains the context and situation in the video of the encounter. 

In this, he speaks to the camera and explains he and his wife were on a flight that was delayed three times, and due to the delays, the passengers were allowed off the flight for a period of time due to the unforeseen length of the delays. 

He explains that he left his charger on the flight, as many people left small items, and was approached a few minutes after deplaning by another passenger. 

‘[They] said, “Hey listen just wanted to let you know I’m sitting across from you to your left, and there’s a girl that got off your flight that actually stopped at your seat, unplugged your charger, rolled it up and put it in her bag,’ he said. 

He goes on to address people saying the woman may have been attempting to give it back, to which he says she could have given it to a flight attendant or been more apologetic when asked to return it. 

He also says her attitude when asked to return it is the only reason that he posted the video and pleaded for viewers to consider that one of the flight attendants offered for authorities to be called which he declined in order to not further delay the flight. 

‘She wasn’t tryna do a good deed for those of you who thinks she was,’ he said. 

Comments were generally in support of the man, saying she shouldn’t have touched the charger and had no intentions of returning it.

Others, however, also said that people should listen to her point of view before believing one side of a story.  

He added: ‘Doesn’t matter if you’re on my side or against me. This is what happened, this is the truth.’
