Shocking story of man who fathered at least 12 kids to different moms as adult kids finally meet

Alton William Barron (pictured) has fathered at least 12 children to different women across the US and abroad. Now, with the help of ancestry websites and DNA tests, the estranged siblings are finding each other

A group of adults who share the same father are searching across the US to piece together their unusual family tree – as they reveal just how much of a ‘player’ their paternal father really was.

With the help of DNA and online ancestry communities, the biological children of Alton William Barron are banding together to find one another. 

Alton, or as some women knew him, Allan Kain, married eight women, had countless girlfriends and fathered at least 12 children across the United States.

One of his daughters, Connie Hoye, who grew up in Minnesota and now lives in Missouri, has so far found she has six half-brothers and five half-sisters, all born to Barron. 

‘You have to laugh because it’s so incredible,’ Hoye, who has taken charge in the search for the Barron siblings, told the Star Tribune.

Despite already tracking down a whopping 11 siblings, Hoye says she knows there are more, and they could be anywhere – even overseas.

‘He spent a lot of time in Idaho, Washington state, California, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Texas,’ she explained. 

‘It also appears he married and fathered at least one child while working on an oil rig in Indonesia.’

Connie Hoye (left) says she has found six half-brothers and five half-sisters (pictured from left: : Connie Hoye, Candi Gardner-Hoyt, Lori Stangl, Dena Simon, and Shelia Jenkins)

Connie Hoye (left) says she has found six half-brothers and five half-sisters (pictured from left: : Connie Hoye, Candi Gardner-Hoyt, Lori Stangl, Dena Simon, and Shelia Jenkins)

Hoye says she knows there are more of Barron's children out there, with at least one more to find

Hoye says she knows there are more of Barron’s children out there, with at least one more to find

Barron’s DNA is spread so far and wide his children have renamed him ‘Johnny Appleseed’. 

Her father’s promiscuous ways strengthen the idea Hoye could have dozens of long lost siblings.

‘We know that he didn’t go very long before impregnating somebody,’ she said.

There is one sibling the amateur historian knows is still out there.

In February 1962, when Hoye was just a child, a woman cradling a newborn girl and her father came knocking at her mother’s door, looking for Barron.

Unfortunately, just as he had with Hoye’s mother, the man had disappeared.

Hoye was not even a year old at the time. The woman at the door said she worked at Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis – where Hoye was born just 10 months before. 

‘[Barron] probably met her at the hospital while my mom was having me,’ she said.

The Missouri woman has assumed the role of amateur historian and is leading the search for her long lost siblings

The Missouri woman has assumed the role of amateur historian and is leading the search for her long lost siblings

Barron stood tall at six feet four, and his sparkling blue eyes were magnetizing to women. Combined with a southern drawl and his golden skin, it didn’t take much for him to woo the ladies. 

But his love for women eventually proved to be his downfall. He was jailed for bigamy and eventually shot dead by the bitter estranged husband of one of his many girlfriends. 

Barron was arrested for bigamy in Louisiana, where he had been married to five different women. 

He was only charged with being married to three though, as two – who had since remarried – declined to testify against him. 

His younger half-brother, Bob Sexton, said he saw the man’s downfall coming . 

In the fall of 1979, just one month before he was actually shot, Sexton says he issued a dire warning. 

‘If you keep messing around, you’re going to get killed,’ he told his brother.

Barron, who was at one point jailed for bigamy and believed to have fathered a child as far away as Indonesia, was shot dead in 1979 by the estranged husband of one of his girlfriends

Barron, who was at one point jailed for bigamy and believed to have fathered a child as far away as Indonesia, was shot dead in 1979 by the estranged husband of one of his girlfriends