Shoplifting seagull steals cotton pads from Bognor Regis chemist

A ‘ballsy’ shoplifting seagull was caught trying to steal of a packet of cotton pads from a chemist – right under the owner’s noses.  

Sophie Mack, 27, was visiting Kamsons Pharmacy in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, with her mother last week when she snapped the feathered fiend attempting to make off with the beauty products.

It was a hot day and the intruder had taken advantage of an open door, cheekily inviting itself in for a look around.

Red-beaked: The seagull is pictured taking the packet of pads from Kamsons Pharmacy in Bognor Regis

Sophie Mack, 27, spotted a seagull trying to steal a packet of cotton wool pads from a pharmacy in Bognor Regis, West Sussex last week 

Ms Mack said it was trying its luck in the chemist for a good minute, making itself at home on the mat and was seemingly undeterred from the watching customers.

After carefully selecting the packet of pads, it dragged them along the floor by its beak.

But the bird appeared to get cold feet when it spotted Ms Mack watching it and dropped it on the floor.  

The student’s hilarious pictures show the bird craftily sneaking into the shop before grabbing its chosen item with its beak.

But would-be robber eventually escaped empty-clawed, much to the amusement of its audience.

Ms Mack said the bird (pictured) was trying its luck in the chemist for a good minute, making itself at home on the mat and seemingly undeterred from the watching customers

Ms Mack said the bird (pictured) was trying its luck in the chemist for a good minute, making itself at home on the mat and seemingly undeterred from the watching customers

The bird appeared to get cold feet when it spotted Ms Mack watching it and dropped it on the floor (pictured) 

The bird appeared to get cold feet when it spotted Ms Mack watching it and dropped it on the floor (pictured) 

Sophie said: ‘He only dropped [the pads] because I looked at him.

‘Me and my mum were standing there laughing at him. It was so funny.’

It was not until after the brazen bird had flown away that pharmacy staff realised what had happened.

She said: ‘My mum said to the staff, ‘You’ve got a shoplifting seagull!’ The lady behind the counter thought it was hilarious.’

As a thriving seaside resort, Bognor has always had a healthy seagull population, but Sophie had never seen anything like this before.

She added: ‘They’re always pinching fish and chips but round here, I haven’t seen one that’s had the balls to walk straight into a shop.

‘There were some seagulls waiting outside for him. There’s a convenience store and a curry house over the road where they find crumbs, so they’re often around. He just got ballsy and tried his luck.’

The hilarious incident happened at Kamsons Pharmacy in Bognor Regis, West Sussex (pictured)

The hilarious incident happened at Kamsons Pharmacy in Bognor Regis, West Sussex (pictured)