Should I opt for a lump sum or higher pension at retirement?

I am due to retire very shortly and have to decide how to take my council pension.

It’s not large. I can have a pension of £3,600 a year or take out a lump sum of £15,000 and get a smaller pension.

My problem is that we don’t own our house, just rent social housing.

Eventually we will need to apply for housing benefit but if I take a lump sum and spend some of it will that still be taken into account as money I should have kept for future rent payments?


Pension dilemma: Should I opt for a lump sum or higher pension at retirement and how might this affect my benefits?

Steve Webb replies: You are right to think through how the choice you are about to make will affect your benefits position.

Whether it is a salary-related pension of the sort that you have or a ‘pot of money’ pension, accessing a pension can interact with income-related benefits and it is important to understand these interactions before you make a decision.

Note that I’m not suggesting manipulating your decision in any way, simply being aware of how the rules work.

Something to be aware of is that the benefits you and your partner can get depend on your respective ages.

If both of you are (or will shortly be) over state pension age then you can claim benefits such as housing benefit and pension credit.

But if just one of you is under pension age then you come under the ‘working age’ benefits system and you would need to claim Universal Credit if you are on a low income.

Steve Webb: Find out how to ask the former Pensions Minister a question about your retirement savings in the box below

Steve Webb: Find out how to ask the former Pensions Minister a question about your retirement savings in the box below

When you are assessed for benefit, there is one set of rules for regular income (such as an occupational pension) and another for capital (such as money in the bank).

For benefits such as Universal Credit or pension credit, any council pension which you draw will simply be deducted on a pound-for-pound basis from the maximum benefit you would otherwise be able to receive.

In simple terms, this is because these benefits are designed to top you up to a standard level of total income, so every pound you already have coming in is a pound they don’t need to pay you.

If you are on housing benefit only (and not pension credit) every pound of income above basic benefit levels reduces your benefit by 65p.

When it comes to ‘capital’, the rules depend which benefit you are on. Universal Credit has a strict cut-off such that if your total capital is over £16,000 you are not entitled to any help at all.

So, if you already have over £1,000 in savings and added a £15,000 lump sum from your pension, then at that point you would not be entitled to Universal Credit. (Similar rules apply to housing benefit for those over pension age who are not on pension credit).

You ask a very important question about what would happen if you go for the lump sum option and spend some of the £15,000.

The short answer is that this is at the discretion of the housing benefit department.

A key issue would be whether you were deliberately trying to ‘deprive’ yourself of capital in order to qualify for more benefit. If so, then they could – as you imply in your question – treat you as if you still had the capital.

By contrast, if you simply took your pension and lump sum in the normal way, then spent it only gradually or spent some of it on things like paying off debts or routine house maintenance, then it is very unlikely that the council would penalise you.

Probably the easiest way to think about this is to ask yourself the question – am I using my lump sum *differently* because of the potential impact on any benefits I may claim?

If you are doing something different because of the benefit rules (and specifically to maximise the amount of benefit you can get) then you are probably at risk.

But if you do what you would do in any case, regardless of the benefits system, then you are probably safe.

One final question is whether the decision to take a lump sum and reduced pension rather than a higher regular pension could itself be seen as a way of getting more benefit?

My feeling would be that this is a fairly standard option for people in this sort of pension scheme.

Taking a tax-free lump sum and lower pension may be a perfectly sensible thing to do regardless of the benefit rules.

On that basis it would be harsh of a council to penalise you for this. But the key point, again, is to make sure that you are not doing something ‘artificial’, or purely designed to get as much benefit as you can.

Ask Steve Webb a pension question

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb is This Is Money’s Agony Uncle.

He is ready to answer your questions, whether you are still saving, in the process of stopping work, or juggling your finances in retirement.

Steve left the Department of Work and Pensions after the May 2015 election. He is now a partner at actuary and consulting firm Lane Clark & Peacock.

If you would like to ask Steve a question about pensions, please email him at

Steve will do his best to reply to your message in a forthcoming column, but he won’t be able to answer everyone or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in his replies constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

Please include a daytime contact number with your message – this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing purposes.

If Steve is unable to answer your question, you can also contact The Pensions Advisory Service, a Government-backed organisation which gives free help to the public. TPAS can be found here and its number is 0800 011 3797.

Steve receives many questions about state pension forecasts and COPE – the Contracted Out Pension Equivalent. If you are writing to Steve on this topic, he responds to a typical reader question here. It includes links to Steve’s several earlier columns about state pension forecasts and contracting out, which might be helpful.