Simple tips to stop mindless eating once and for all

Every person with an appetite and a set of taste-buds has been struck with the mid-morning munchies or a bout of afternoon snack cravings at least once. 

But according to experts, there are a handful of tips and tricks which can help curb the unnecessary sugar rush and stop comfort eating for good, reports Body + Soul.

The best remedies for mindless eating – the ailment which confuses boredom or emotion for hunger or thirst – include creating a dining room aesthetic, tracing where your food comes from and giving yourself only 30 minutes to eat dinner.

Dietitians explain mindless eating can be curbed with several simple tips – including how you set up your dining table 

According to experts, an ambient dining room area can help discourage distractions and force mindless eaters to concentrate on what they are putting in their mouth

According to experts, an ambient dining room area can help discourage distractions and force mindless eaters to concentrate on what they are putting in their mouth

A helpful tip which discourages mindless eating is to focus on building an ambient and stylish dining room experience. 

‘Setting up a nice place to eat with ambience is important,’ accredited dietitian Simone Austin told the publication, explaining that it helps you concentrate on your food.

‘Make sure you eat without distraction, so turn off the television and your phone,’ she added.

As well as consuming food in a beautiful dining environment, dietitians encourage always using cutlery, even when it is takeaway food

As well as consuming food in a beautiful dining environment, dietitians encourage always using cutlery, even when it is takeaway food

Eating fast-food without the 'satisfaction sensors' of using plates and cutlery can mean a shorter period between eating and feeling hungry again

Eating fast-food without the ‘satisfaction sensors’ of using plates and cutlery can mean a shorter period between eating and feeling hungry again

Setting up and decorating a designated place means you will pay far more attention to the food you are putting in your body and when to stop.

As well as consuming food in a beautiful dining environment, dietitians encourage always using cutlery, even when it is takeaway food. 

Eating fast-food without the ‘satisfaction sensors’ of using plates and cutlery can mean a shorter period between eating and feeling hungry again.

Enjoying your Thursday night burger on silverware might be the answer to stopping those cravings only an hour after the meal

Enjoying your Thursday night burger on silverware might be the answer to stopping those cravings only an hour after the meal


1.  Set up an ambient dining room

2. Use cutlery and plates for every meal

3. Spend at least 30 minutes eating dinner

4. Think about the life cycle and origins of your food 

5. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before meals

6. Don’t reward yourself with food – use other pleasures instead i.e. a bunch of flowers 

This means enjoying your Thursday night burger on silverware might be the answer to stopping those cravings only an hour after the meal. 

Today’s culture of quick, easy meals also mean mindless eaters are too focused on other evening activities such as bathing and sleep to really sit down and enjoy food.

Experts recommend spending at least 30 minutes to eat dinner, using that time to nourish yourself and give your body time to realise it is full.  

Thinking about the life cycle of the food you prepare and eat can also mindful eating habits.

‘Look at the food before you eat, and think “where did this come from?”‘ Austin said.

Understanding the origin of your after-dinner snack can then encourage mindless eaters to look beyond supermarket packaging and choose healthier, more organic options.

Diet experts recommend spending at least 30 minutes to eat dinner, using that time to nourish yourself and give your body time to realise it is full

Diet experts recommend spending at least 30 minutes to eat dinner, using that time to nourish yourself and give your body time to realise it is full

Understanding the origin of your after-dinner snack can then encourage mindless eaters to look beyond supermarket packaging and choose healthier, more organic options

Understanding the origin of your after-dinner snack can then encourage mindless eaters to look beyond supermarket packaging and choose healthier, more organic options

Another trait of mindless eating is to reward oneself with unhealthy snacks during a bad day or after a minor achievement.

Instead of reaching for the chocolate bar, Austin suggests rewarding accomplishments with simple pleasures such as watching a movie, taking a bath or buying a bunch of flowers. 

Another sensation mindless eaters often confuse with hunger can be dehydration or thirst. 

Dietitians suggest drinking a glass of water or two when the cravings kick in to ensure you are not just thirsty, giving your body some time to think about what it truly needs. 

Another trait of mindless eating is to reward oneself with unhealthy snacks during a bad day or after a minor achievement

Another trait of mindless eating is to reward oneself with unhealthy snacks during a bad day or after a minor achievement

Dietitians also suggest drinking a glass of water or two when the cravings kick in to ensure you are not just thirsty, giving your body some time to think about what it truly needs

Dietitians also suggest drinking a glass of water or two when the cravings kick in to ensure you are not just thirsty, giving your body some time to think about what it truly needs