Single Americans are boasting about coronavirus antibody tests on dating apps

Are antibody tests the new STI tests? Single Americans are BOASTING about COVID-19 results in their dating app profiles, using it as a ‘badge of honor’ to win over prospective dates

  • People have been disclosing the status of their COVID-19 antibody tests in their dating app profiles in recent weeks amid the pandemic 
  • The coronavirus antibody test determines if a person’s body has had an immune response to a previous infection with the virus 
  • It’s unclear if those antibodies make people immune to COVID-19
  • One New Yorker told that people are adding their results to their profiles like a ‘badge of honor’ and will ‘even send photographic proof’ 
  • Another agreed that people seem to be boasting about their results, noting ‘it’s still worth keeping things socially distanced’
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Singles around the country are adding their COVID-19 antibody test results to their dating app profiles, but testing positive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe to meet someone for a romantic rendezvous.  

People have been disclosing their coronavirus status to prospective partners in recent weeks, much like they would a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But unlike STI results, the newer and more unreliable antibody tests for COVID-19 have far more false positives — and scientists aren’t even sure if they determine immunity. 

‘It’s definitely something people in the dating world are talking about,’ a 30-year-old living in New York City told ‘You see prospective dates adding it to their profiles on apps like a badge of honor… some even send photographic proof of their results to convince you they’re being truthful.’

Bragging rights? People have been disclosing the status of their COVID-19 antibody tests in their dating app profiles in recent weeks amid the pandemic (stock image)

‘It definitely makes me feel more comfortable, but it’s not full proof,’ added the woman, who wished to remain anonymous. ‘We still don’t know what antibodies really mean, though we all hope they make us immune.’

You see prospective dates adding it to their profiles on apps like a badge of honor 

She did, however, say that she’d like to know if someone she is casually dating online has the antibodies. 

‘I think combined with chatting to someone regularly over a longer period, which gives you an idea of their habits, and FaceTiming, it can put you more at ease,’ she said. 

The coronavirus antibody test determines if a person’s body has had an immune response to a previous infection with the virus. 


Antibody tests check your blood by looking for antibodies, which show if you had a previous infection with the virus. 

Depending on when someone was infected and the timing of the test, the test may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19 infection. 

Antibodies are proteins that help fight off infections. Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose someone as being currently sick with COVID-19. 

A positive test result shows you have antibodies that likely resulted from an infection with SARS-CoV-2, or possibly a related coronavirus.

It’s unclear if those antibodies can provide protection (immunity) against getting infected again. This means that we do not know at this time if antibodies make you immune to the virus.  

Source: Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention 

‘A positive test result shows you have antibodies that likely resulted from an infection with SARS-CoV-2, or possibly a related coronavirus,’ according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Depending on the timing of the test, it may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19 infection. 

It’s also unclear if those antibodies make people immune to the virus. 

Another New Yorker told that people seem to be boasting about their antibody status on dating apps.

‘I’ve seen it starting to creep up on a few profiles. But it kind of feels a bit like a brag — keep it to yourself until at least after the first Zoom date,’ she said, noting that there are a ‘lot of false positives.’ 

The 34-year-old, who also wished to remain anonymous, believes that people should continue to take coronavirus precautions while navigating dating in the new world. 

‘I think it’s still worth keeping things socially distanced — a walk or six-feet-apart chat in the park,’ she said. 

‘There’s still a lot scientists don’t know about whether antibodies confer immunity, and for how long. Why risk it for a bad first date.’