Single picture reveals shocking extent of Australia’s vaping habit: ‘Putrid animals’

A photo of a highway roadside littered with disposable vapes has sparked outrage with some labelling it an example of the ‘worst of humanity’.

The photo posted on social media site Reddit shows the vapes scattered across a laneway barrier on Melbourne’s West Gate Freeway. 

‘Anyone else seeing this regularly? People throwing used (I assume) vapes at the merge from Westgate and Bolte (Bridge) heading east towards the tunnel,’ the Reddit user u/isjimmyhere wrote alongside the picture.

The thoughtless disposal of the e-cigarettes drew angry reactions with people noting the toxic and non-recyclable nature of their plastic casing and lithium batteries. 

This image of vapes scattered roadside along a Melbourne city highway has sparked outrage

‘Disposable vapes are like the worst of humanity,’ one Reddit user wrote.

‘A whole a*** block of plastic with an acid battery so you can suck nicotine smog for a few days then toss it into the world to leak acid and sit there until the extinction of mankind.’ 

Another Reddit user pithily described those throwing away their vapes as ‘putrid animals’. 

‘People really have no respect for anything. they are happy to live in their own filth,’ another comment read. 

However, some thought the federal Government should shoulder some of the blame with the photo clear evidence that the ban on disposable vapes was not working.

‘This is why you don’t ban, you regulate,’ the user said. 

‘If they hadn’t banned these things but rather only allowed refillables it would have drastically cutdown on the amount of people buying these black market disposables.’ 

A number noted the vapes were pretty well a constant feature.

‘They clean it every 2-3 months and a day or two later it’s back again… I drive past it every day,’ a Reddit user wrote. 

Some contrasted it unfavourably with the days when it was more commonly cigarettes butts littering roadsides. 

‘I’m not saying I condone it, but (in the olden days) cigarette smokers threw their butts out the window because it was on fire,’ the user wrote

Single use disposable vapes have been banned for sale in Australia since the start of January

Single use disposable vapes have been banned for sale in Australia since the start of January

‘This is just lazy littering, they could easily wait for a bin.’

Last year federal Health Minister Mark Butler announced that single-use disposable vapes would be banned and that came into effect on January 1.

From Friday the importation of all vapes without a licence or permit was banned and personal importation schemes for vapes are being closed.

The government will also work to strengthen quality and safety standards for therapeutic vapes, which are now only available through a prescription.

Mr Butler revealed this week the government would also spend $250,000 partnering with Spotify, social media influencers and sports stars as part of its anti-vaping program.

But shortly after the announcement, old photos emerged that appeared to show one of the partnered ambassadors holding a vape.

Jaxon Fairbairn, who is a member of the Australian comedy duo Fairbairn Films, posted the photo to his Instagram in June according to The Australian, though it appears to have been deleted.
