Singletons reveal the red flags they wish they’d seen

They say you should always trust your gut, and in a relationship that couldn’t be more important. 

New couples can sometimes be so wrapped up in the romance and excitement that they overlook vital warning signs that love is going awry.

Taking to the anonymous confessions app, Whisper, men and women shared the red flags that popped up in their old relationships.

One woman said that her ex told her that she couldn’t play interactive video games because it meant she would be chatting with other people. 

Another said that her ex wanted to keep their relationship a secret because he ‘didn’t believe in labels’. 

Here, FEMAIL rounds up a selection of the extraordinary confessions… 

Taking to the anonymous confessions app, Whisper, men and women share the red flags that popped up in their old relationships (Stock image)

One user thought her ex was a sociopath because he enjoyed watching her get upset 

One user thought her ex was a sociopath because he enjoyed watching her get upset 

Lots of girl friends, always busy, ignoring calls - little things can sometimes point to a bigger picture

Lots of girl friends, always busy, ignoring calls – little things can sometimes point to a bigger picture

This person says to make sure they have been checked, and if they haven't perhaps ask the question why

This person says to make sure they have been checked, and if they haven’t perhaps ask the question why

Talk about mixed messages... demanding pregnancy is a huge red flag that he isn't right for you

Talk about mixed messages… demanding pregnancy is a huge red flag that he isn’t right for you

The ex girlfriend: Never put up with him pining over his ex, you are worth more than that 

The ex girlfriend: Never put up with him pining over his ex, you are worth more than that 

One user talks about her ex's jealous behaviour - which included not letting her play computer games

One user talks about her ex’s jealous behaviour – which included not letting her play computer games

If he's spending more time on his phone than looking into your eyes, it could be a warning sign

If he’s spending more time on his phone than looking into your eyes, it could be a warning sign

We've all heard about the 'crazy' or 'psycho' ex - remember there is always two sides to every story

We’ve all heard about the ‘crazy’ or ‘psycho’ ex – remember there is always two sides to every story

They say that you should always trust your gut instinct because it is often right - in this case it was

They say that you should always trust your gut instinct because it is often right – in this case it was

If they want to keep the relationship a secret there is usually a reason behind it - worth questioning

If they want to keep the relationship a secret there is usually a reason behind it – worth questioning

Pet names are always a bit of an odd one, but if your partner is calling you 'mum', that should be a red flag

Pet names are always a bit of an odd one, but if your partner is calling you ‘mum’, that should be a red flag

In a new relationship you'll never know if you are the rebound or the love of his life... just keep an eye out for the signs

In a new relationship you’ll never know if you are the rebound or the love of his life… just keep an eye out for the signs

The author behind this post points out the importance of the language that can be used. It can sometimes be a huge give away

The author behind this post points out the importance of the language that can be used. It can sometimes be a huge give away

Compliments are nice, but sometimes if they are a bit too much they could be masking something else 

Compliments are nice, but sometimes if they are a bit too much they could be masking something else 

There has always been debate over friends of the opposite sex, but this Whisper user seems to think that it's not ok

There has always been debate over friends of the opposite sex, but this Whisper user seems to think that it’s not ok

The cliche 'I'm not like the rest' is often saying exactly that - huge warning sign

The cliche ‘I’m not like the rest’ is often saying exactly that – huge warning sign

This anonymous writer thinks that if a man is too down on himself he could be using that against you

This anonymous writer thinks that if a man is too down on himself he could be using that against you

Missing a date because they 'forgot' is never ok - especially early on in a relationship 

Missing a date because they ‘forgot’ is never ok – especially early on in a relationship 

If you're superstitious, maybe don't date anyone with a birthday or anniversary on Friday 13

If you’re superstitious, maybe don’t date anyone with a birthday or anniversary on Friday 13

In a new relationship, they say you should take it slow and enjoy, but if 6 months down the line he still doesn't want to call you his girlfriend, that's not a good sign

In a new relationship, they say you should take it slow and enjoy, but if 6 months down the line he still doesn’t want to call you his girlfriend, that’s not a good sign